

Hi ladies,
Well a lot of you will be traveling today to Wendy's for the Xers retreat and I envy you. I would love to be there and meet you, but it's impossible for now. hopefully next year.

Jeanette~~ I am glad you arrived safe and sound. I am sure the scenery is very different form where you live. That's the beauty of our country, it changes so dramatically from one state to another. Here in Europe it's a little bit more predictable, except of course if you go to Siberia... I hope you had a great time with Wendy and could offer some TLC in her moments...;-)

Sandra~~ No I wouldn't think of letting this group go...I've grown very fond of all of you and definitely want to meet you eventually.:+ As for the X+, yes it is quite different and my weights were lighter than normal. The compound moves coupled with longer time to do the exercise does not allow you to use as heavy. I think I'll do it for 1 month and move on to a 4DS for another month. Hopefully by then STS will be available.

I'll come back later and chat some more.

Off to some cardio, probably a Cathe step without the step as the back is talking to me this morning...x( x( x(
Well well....I think theres a conspiracy! Just as we leave CHRISTIANE returns.....hmmmmmmmmmm }( Just noticed you used the Power Magnifying Glass Code too!!!! THANK YOU MY NEW BEST FRIEND!- I'm blind as a bat although the eye Dr says I'm 20/20- whats up w/ that? Focus you say???

OK- Its 2:30am WTH else ya want me to talk about?:7

Yes- feeling CHIPPER today & oh so glad I didnt have excitement induced insomnia... Slept 9pm-2:30...Thats almost a record! I wonder how late that Debra is gonna make me stay up tonight? Best get LOTS of sleep on the plane...3.5hrs worth!

So have I told you all how much I am going to miss a group hug & pic? I think being "teased" by seeing a handful is going to make me start an annual " I'll go Meet..." trip! Just me tho!!! Should have heard DH last night talking to "the boys", ... " Its OK baby, mommy luvs you, she just needs to get away once in awhile." My heart sank - I think he's telling himself that! I only "get-away" when I do family obligatory trips although HE & his buddies get away from me ALOT! :+

SANDRA:* :* :* :* :* :*
Gosh this is too exciting! A trip "UP NORTH" to see my gal! I'm so THERE! Can we wait til its not cold FOR SURE tho??? I'm not my cheery witty darling self in winter weather! * Paris/city named after her..LUV that child! - Tell her that they named a city after me in CA too, Tracy!! * Miss you like crazy woman!

ALEXANDRA:* :* :* :* :* :*
Welcome to the group. May I ask that you & Mia refrain from too many confrontations while we're away???? Remember that @ the heart of the WC Gals is Sargeant Sandra & she puts up with NONE of that!

JEANETTE:* :* :* :* :* :*
You poor thing! Did the 350 "man" force you @ gunpoint to write that cheerful note to us???? I can feel your excitement!! YES, the sounth is BEAUTIFUL! Balk @ our humidity and no winters but man we are green & blooming almost 12 months a year..LOVE this part of the planet! I cant wait to see NC...Never been there!!! Oh GOODIE! I wasnt sure if you were coming to airport tomorrow!!!! By the time I get there & want to hug ya'll will have been there 3 hours! You'll be like yeah, yeah, WHATEVER - Lets go!:* Holy SH**!!! FORGET THE COFFEE CARAFFE just get me instant!!! HURRY!!!! You & I will FOR SURE drink a cup in the afternoon!!!! Hope you got TONS of rest last night!!! BTW: Eating healthy is not something that needs to be done on vacation...Isnt there a really good argument for "shock factor" when you just have fun? Thats my story! I alraedy have myself starting a Best Shape Ever program on Monday so I am not worrying about all that! Ya'll can eat like health freaks if ya want- just remember DEB is my food buddy!

DEBRA:* :* :* :* :* :*
Did Netta take care of our gal last night? I bet it was FABULOUS having her there!!! Were there any pics of night 1??? You & I are going to collectively kick this funk-zone we're in this weekend! We'll get Sandra on webcam & she'll give us a YOUR BEST LIFE EVER presentation!!!!

CHRISTIANE:* :* :* :* :* :*
Very nice to see you & hear all is well- or at least most! You are so very busy! The travel schedule alone makes my head spin!! Please keep the gang company while we're sparse...Oh yes, I have an important note for you--- NO MATTER WHAT SANDRA SAYS: We did NOT agree that she should make a new name for posting nasty messages on the forum- nor did we say that she could play hide n seek & change the Checkin name again! Ya gotta watch that one- she's a real prankster!!!

KIM:* :* :* :* :* :*
Run like the wind..........You go girl!!! I think you have a reneed passion!!! So do you see changes in your body starting to occur from recovery week???? Cant wait to hear details!!! Have a FABULOUS weekend!!!

LEA:* :* :* :* :* :*
I shall miss seeing you!! You & Debra could have compared your BF% to mine & felt soooooo superior!!!! I say theres nothing like hangin' with a gal whos less fit to make yourself feel REALLY HEALTHY! lololol ........... OK- So what exciting things shall you do this weekend?

MIA:* :* :* :* :* :*

LAURIE- WENDY.... See ya in about 11 hrs! Who's bringing tissues for me????

More tonight I'm sure!!! If someone has a camera thats downloadable we shall post pics!!! I myself only use disposable (cant figure out the THREE DH has bought me!)

:* :* :* :*
Good morning...Just wanted to let everyone know that Jeanette survived her first evening here!! I am sure I talked her ears off, though! I know that the diva did...lol. We will be running back and forth to the airport this afternoon to pick up all of the rest of the retreaters...Hope everyone is doing well this morning. I did not get a workout in yesterday...perhaps this morning...we will see. Jeanette is meeting up with some other friends who live in this area for breakfast...so that will be nice for her.

Gotta get the diva to school...I have a camera that can be uploaded so pics will be posted later!!

Kisses to all!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning!

Happy travelling vibes to everyone on the move today!

Christiane - You're very good about listening to your back and being patient with yourself. Will you be sticking solely with the X+ workouts for the month, or planning to sub?

Traci - I think you're already gone by now? I hope you get your 3.5hour nap in on the plane, so you can stay awake past 6pm tonight. Don't worry about Alexandra coming out to cause a ruckus. Without her posse to egg her on, she's harmless.

Debra - Well, bless your heart, doing a workout this morning. I thought the rule of the weekend was NO WORKOUTS? Frankly I think everyone needs to see you do the KM LCDs with ankle weights, to prove that it really can be done. So, is today's agenda simply airport pick ups?

Not to make this a post all about me or anything, but I intend to go to the basement in a few minutes and do LowMax. I might pick up the medicine ball for the blasts, or I might not. My shoulders are tired from MuscleMax yesterday.

Good Morning Everyone:

Just wanted to introduce myself. Yesterday Traci invited me so I thought I'd take her up on her offer. I've never participated b/4 in something like this but think this community of friends is just wonderful. I was part of the "soap opera" yesterday for the first time and must say I think I'm going to keep my "fingers" in handcuffs from now on.

Just a little bit about me. I'm Canadian and live in Northern Ontario where we might just get some flurries todayx(

Married with a 2.5yr old son. I work full-time and have been excercsing on and off for most of my life. Always seem to have those last 10lbs to lose. I've always said I have that 3 month pregnant look. Maybe that's why it was so easy to get pregant once we decided to have a child:)

I w/o in the evenings after DS is in bed (and usually DH!) I'm really enjoying Cathe's videos but taking a break from her b/4 STS comes out.

I love Step and have to be careful b/c if I had a choice that is all I would do for cardio. Trying to get into some KB and did Amy's In the Ring last night which I think I'll enjoy after I master here choreography.

Anyhow, off for my 2nd cup of coffee..

I just popped in to tell you guys enjoy yourselves. Ooh la..la..I can't wait to see pictures. Have a wonderful time.

Hi Pat:D :)
Good morning ladies. It is sure quiet this morning with everyone travelling. And look, Jeanette all ready broke something over at Debra's. You can't take that girl anywhere;-) . I am so sore from GS legs that I can't even do yoga, so I guess it is a rest day for me.

Traci - Bon Voyage!! You will be missed.

Jeanette - I hope that you are having a fabulous time at Debra's. It sounds absolutely wonderful there. Enjoy and eat lots and lots of junk food. You deserve it!

Debra - I bet that you are excited having everyone else come in today. Have a blast and what a sweetheart for having everyone stay over at your place. I think those of us who have to stay home do deserve some pictures!!

Christiane - There you are. I thought that you were lost somewhere in Europe. My back is doing so much better, but am being really careful. I just didn't feel very fit doing yoga everyday, though I did enjoy the break. I hope that you are holding up all right.

Sandra - So that is an invitation to your house next year right? It is very cute that Paris thinks there is a city named after her. Enjoy your workout.

Patricia - Welcome to the group. You have come to the right place. This group of gals are wild and crazy. So there is another Canadian joining the group eh? The flurries definately don't sound fun. We cringe over here in sunny souther California when we get drizzle. You sound like a very busy mom. It is hard to work full time and take care of a 2.5 year old and workout. My hat off to you.

Time to try to take care of the little ones. Talk to you all later. I do hope that Wendy, Tracy and Traci all have a safe trip. Did I miss anyone going to Debra's????

The sleepover went pretty well but all 6 kids are still here of course it's only 8:30. I'm hoping to be rid of 2 by noon (the friends) but I guess mine and their cousins are here to stay for the day. LOL I'm not sure if I'm going to get to workout till some of the kids are gone.

Debra- What an emotional few days for you. Hopefully having the group around will cheer you up!

Jeanette- Enjoy meeting up with your friends!

Sandra- My calves are feeling those hills from cardio coach yesterday!

Safe travels to Wendy, Laurie Tracy and Traci! (did I forget anyone??)

Patricia- Welcome to the group! We don't live too far from each other. I'm in Winnipeg. Where abouts in Northern Ontario are you? We are going to be +9 here today but flurries and back to the minuses again tonight.

Kim - Hi there. Completely forgot about your sleepover with all of the travels going on today. You are one brave woman! But I bet it is kind of fun having a bunch of kids over, for a little while at least? Stay warm today.

Oh and Laurie, sorry to not include you in the last Bon Voyage. Stay safe.

On my way to the airport. Got a couple hours of sleep.

Hi Pat!!! I hope I'm not in trouble with you for my "Lindy" post! It wasn't directed at any particular poster.

Lea Wait till the wine starts flowing tonight. We will have to bubble wrap Jeanette!!!

Christiane! Whoo Hoo!! Missed seeing you. You've got to let us know your whereabouts with all the traveling you do! Makes me worried when we don't know which continent you're on!

Oh! Almost there!

Good morning again.

So, I changed my mind and did Amy Bento's Hi/Lo Dome today - the one hour of hi/lo aerobics, but not the extra dome stuff. I realized as I was moving into the second combo, that I haven't even previewed that entire workout before! But her cuing is excellent in it, and I was able to follow along well enough throughout that I got a good workout with minimal confusion. Between her two hi/lo workouts that I have, this one is my definite preferred choice.

Patricia - Welcome to the Watercooler! What's your full-time job? You're going to need to go part time, so you can keep up with the chatter around here. I haven't received the new Amy Bento's yet. I'm looking forward to trying them. After your introduction I had to go back and see what you contributed to that STS discussion. I think you said exactly what Wendy wrote here yesterday, but in a much more sane way. Wendy's crazy. She's traveling today, so won't be around to read this, I believe. ;) I'm in Edmonton, but originally from southwestern Ontario, near London. Are you in Thunder Bay, Sudbury, or even farther north? I used to be the only Canuck on this list, but now there's four of us. We should start asking the few Americans around here to show us their passport before they post.

Lea - Yup, it's a firm date! Next year, you all get to come here. For assured snow-avoidance, I recommend coming near the end of July. Jeanette will probably ride her bike up. You can ask her if you can ride on the handle bars. Or maybe she has a banana seat, and you can ride on the back. Your legs have been GymStyle-ified!! Poor dear. That can go on for days.

Kim - Oooh, did you find some hills to run outside yesterday? I don't have anything significant close by (I don't live near the river valley), so when he talks hills or increased resistance, I'll either run faster, or do walking lunges. Hill training is so effective. I'm glad you survived the sleepover! But for you, a housefull of kids probably feels more normal than without, I imagine?

Wendy - Happy travels!! I know you're not reading this...

Have a great day,
Hey Sandra and Kim, my fellow Canadians.

I'm originally from outside Orillia (cottage country), then moved to T.O. for school and lived in Oakville for the past several years. Then my company transferred me up to the Great White North of North Bay, only about 1 hour east of Sudbury. My DH grew up in London so we go there to visit family once in a while. You also may know the company I work for as we are big in both Edmonton and Winnipeg - PCL Constructors?

Anyhow, I moved here for 3 years to work on a project and would expect to go back to the big smoke sometime in the summer of 2010. Really enjoying the small town living at the moment though. I'll even take the extra long winter for the trade-off of rush hour traffic;-)
YogaX done for the last time! 2 kids gone, 4 left. I switched YogaX for CS as kids in my workout room but I could do YogaX in ds's bedroom.

Sandra- Hills, what hills?? No hills in sight for many many miles except on my tm. Are you serious about having a retreat in Edmonton next year?? Maybe we should have it in August, the same weekend as the marathon we're running ;) Really if you do decide to host, DH's company has a 3 bedroom furnished condo for people to use when they come in from Wpg that I might be able to get if you need places for people to sleep.

Patricia I do see PCL construction signs many places. The company my husband works for deals with many of the construction companies to provide supplies. have you ever dealt with MacMor Industries? I work in health care as an occupational therapist. I just joined this group after Christmas and they are a great group but they are VERY chatty.

What? Chatty? US? Surely you jest, Kim! Look at how few posts we've had today (shhhhh! We don't want to scare Patricia away! Let's break her in gently).

Okay Patricia, how old are you, what's your son's name, does he go to a daycare, do you plan to have more children, if not then why not, do you and DH have compatible libidos, do you have a hormonal other half that we need to be warned about before she rears her head every month, if your DH's family is from London then perhaps we know each other, or he may even be one of my zillions of cousins I don't know, how did you hear about Cathe, and I'll put you down as a guest at the retreat here in Edmonton next summer - you bring the jello, okay?

Oops! Alexandra appears to have snuck in here. I'm just playing, Patricia. My playmates left me alone in the house and I just found the matches. I'll have to be sure I refill the liquor cabinet before they get back. If you feel like answering any of those questions, I'm all ears, but don't feel like you have to answer anything!! Yes, I am familiar with PCL Construction. Edmonton is a city officially Under Construction, and PCL is all over the place. The city is on the verge of starting construction on what will be the most expensive highway overpass in North America. It's a 3 year project, just 10 minutes away from me, and guaranteed to make my life very difficult ('cause it's always about me :) ). I wouldn't be surprised to see PCL, as well as some other companies, working on that one.

Kim - I'm glad you're here to help me mess up the place. YogaX! I loved that one when I did the X, but don't often get the urge to pull it out anymore. That's some good booty doms you get from that. Oooh, your run was on the treadmill yesterday! Oh right - you live on the Prairie!!! LOL! Yes, I'm serious about hosting the retreat. The use of the company hotel room would be WONDERFUL! Yes, let's plan that! I plan to stay in it too, btw. Don't let DH do anything crazy in the next year like change jobs or anything, okay? What the name of the hotel? Oh yes, that marathon. It's also my birthday weekend, so WTH!! Let's do it! I'll just loop CC#5, 6 and 6 (revised) a few times on my ipod until I stumble across a finish line somewhere. That should be all the training I need.

Well, I should go feed children some lunch. Where have they gone? Hmmm......

The company condo is in the area closest to the airport. I forget the name of street, it's close to an intersection with a YMCA. The IKEA was about 10 mins north. Does that make any sense?? It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen. All furnished. I'm sure we could use it but only when people that are actually working don't need it. There's also a company car that's left there. I really think we should have the retreat in January don't you think. Shh! We'll plan it while they're all away. I can pack an extra suitcase full of toques, mittens, snowpants, etc. Kim
Hi all,

Unfortunately, do to FIL's illness I had to cancel going on the retreat. Funny how shi* happens all at the same time. Oh well, wishing everyone a great trip and a wonderful time.

I'll bbl.

Welcome to the newbies.

Tracy - (((HUGS))). I am so sorry that your FIL is not doing so well. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

PERFECT!!! That's exactly where I am, Kim!!! Yes, let's plan it for January, and surprise them with the news when they get back. This is great! I might be able to dig up a hat or two, and maybe find an extra pair of skates.

Oh Tracy, I'm so sorry. Things must have taken a real bad turn for you to cancel your trip. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts, and hope for the best possible outcome.

The group will miss you at Debra's, for sure. Thanks for letting us know.

Take care,
> I'll put you down as a guest at the retreat
>here in Edmonton next summer - you bring the jello, okay?

Only if I'm allowed to add my special ingredient to the jello. I'm in construction and there is always some good stuff to add to jello around (especially around Xmas);-) I'll just save it for the summer:)

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