Wanting to lose weight, do I


do three days of 1 hour cardio & three days of 1 hour total body (think Muscle Max type of workouts) or 1/2 hour cardio days followed by 1/2 hour of weight training? Total workout days are six.

Thanks in advance!
I'd think either way would work. I personally prefer to do a full hour of cardio at a time. It just makes me feel better. And that way, you'll get a rest day in between each type of exercise - rest from cardio while doing weights, and rest from weights while doing cardio. Just try them both and see which way you prefer. You might even switch them up every couple of weeks to increase the variety.
I am afraid you are just going to have to play with it and see what your body responds to best. Unfortunately...X workouts for X amount of time on X days does not = success for everybody. You have to play with it but the good news is, the experimental phase can be quite fun if you set your mind to it.

The one thing that has to be present is a healthy diet. Don't get me started on the importance of a healthy diet while trying to shed body fat!;-)
As others have said, either way could work. But just for variety, why not do it one way for a couple of weeks, then switch to the other for a couple of weeks? It's always good to keep your body guessing (if it gets to used to a workout, you can easily plateau).

I'd start with whatever of the two plans appeals to you the most, then switch up after 2-3 weeks.
Hi Sarah,

Help me with the healthy diet please, you look great by the way! I'm 44 yrs old. I'm trying to change my eating habits as they are not as clean as they could/should be for me to continue my wieght loss. I weigh 144lbs and I want to tone and tighten, and realize without my eating being clean I will not be able to acquire this. I have quite a few of Cathe's DVD's. I mix it up with cardio and wieght work about 5 days a week. 3 of those being cardio. Help please as you look like you're experienced with this! :)
Ok, I'm not Sarah, but I can at least jump in here and give you a sample menu of a "clean" diet.
meal 1-oatmeal w/ cottage cheese and a banana
Meal 2- an orange w/ a turkey patty
meal 3- a mixed green salad w/ an veggie you want in it and chicken w/ oil and vinegar type dressing (avoid creamy dressings)
Meal 4- Salmon w/any type of veggie you would like
meal 5- if you need it, cottage cheese (fat free or low fat) with strawberries

There would be a sample menu of what you could do with your food. Obviously you can tweek it to match your tastes. Maybe you don't like the whole cottage cheese thing, you could substatute a lean meat for it. For instance, with the cottage cheese and oatmeal thing, maybe have egg whites instead.
Just be sure to eat at least 4 meals a day, spaced between 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Try not to eat a late evening meal.
You should never eat to the point of feeling full. Eat to feeling satisfied, but not thinking "I couldn't eat another thing".. Also thought you should never feel like you're starving. Hungry is ok, but not starving.

Besides what Kathy said...snack on vegetables instead of other stuff if you do get hungry between meals. Keep fresh vegetables cut-up and ready to eat in your fridge at all times. My family likes cauliflower, broccoli, pea pods, green beans, radishes, carrots, etc. Try not to overdo the carrots too much as they are high in natural sugars so too many is just plain...too much. And use dip with your fresh vegetables if you need to in the beginning but do cut it out all together and learn to enjoy foods for their natural flavors and textures.

My DH once said about strawberries...he would eat them everyday if I'd let him put sugar on them. Well, what's the point then? He has learned to eat his fruit without added sugar. I can't even imagine it. It's like drinking coffee and adding sugar and milk to it...what's the point of the coffee?

Thanks for the sample meal plan. That looks perfect and very do-able, I love cottage cheese, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks :)
Hello 40something,

Thanks for your advice as well, all sounds so easy...so I should just do it right? I'm gonna try very hard to see what happens. I do wish I could learn to love foods for their natural tastes. I'm sure it's a habit I could start, if I could just get started! x(
What about Cucumbers, I like those plain, and strawberries are not a prob. I can eat those without sugar, I just love em. It's so easy though to have a good sense of what I'm going to do in the mornings as far as my diet goes, but then once I get to work, it all goes out the window, and I'm just not as strong as I was when I first woke up. UGH! This is a start, so I'll just go with what has been given to me! :)

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