Ok, I'm not Sarah, but I can at least jump in here and give you a sample menu of a "clean" diet.
meal 1-oatmeal w/ cottage cheese and a banana
Meal 2- an orange w/ a turkey patty
meal 3- a mixed green salad w/ an veggie you want in it and chicken w/ oil and vinegar type dressing (avoid creamy dressings)
Meal 4- Salmon w/any type of veggie you would like
meal 5- if you need it, cottage cheese (fat free or low fat) with strawberries
There would be a sample menu of what you could do with your food. Obviously you can tweek it to match your tastes. Maybe you don't like the whole cottage cheese thing, you could substatute a lean meat for it. For instance, with the cottage cheese and oatmeal thing, maybe have egg whites instead.
Just be sure to eat at least 4 meals a day, spaced between 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Try not to eat a late evening meal.
You should never eat to the point of feeling full. Eat to feeling satisfied, but not thinking "I couldn't eat another thing".. Also thought you should never feel like you're starving. Hungry is ok, but not starving.