Want better shoulders.......


What is the best Cathe w/o for building shoulder strength, muscle shape and size.

I have long arms and bony shoulders. There's good muscle definition there and shoulders are getting a little stronger, but they never improve at a comparable rate to other parts.

I eat pretty clean and have begun to increase protein, which I know has not been adequate with my w/o's.
Sorry, no answer for you--just wanted to sympathize. I'm in same boat and would also love to know what kind of magic I can do to define my shoulders.

Hi Melody--

I think Slow and Heavy's Shoulder routine is great for building shoulders up if you are looking for a Cathe workout to do.

I've always had small shoulders and over the last few years of weight training the thing that worked great for me was to really work my chest and back with heavy weights as well.

There is a lot of shoulder muscle that goes into chest work and back work. If you are working these heavy, your shoulders can't help but get involved as well..

In re to chest workouts.. push ups and incline presses really work the front of your shoulders.
In re to back workouts, pullups hit your rear delts quite nicely.

If you can swing a 1 bodypart/day rotation for your strength training, I found spreading out the workouts during the week between those 3 body parts really worked well too.. for example

Monday chest
Tues Legs
Wed Back
Thurs Tris
Friday Shoulders
Sat Bis
Sun rest

S & H really fits this type of rotation nicely. GS upperbody is great too to split up into one bodypart per day. Although you may want to add a few more exercises to the back and shoulder GS workouts if you split it up into one part/day.

Good luck, Lynn M.
Thanks Lynn -

BTW your shoulders look wonderful.

Last week I finished a 3 wk S&H rotation and when doing MM this week for a break I noticed I was able to increase weights with all body parts. Also noticed some definition improvement.

I think I'm a skinny gal with definition but no size who needs to be patient and keep working hard.x(
Hi Melody,
Oddly enough, what helped developed my shoulders is kickboxing. All that punches really pumped up my shoulder. I even got a compliment for someone at work about how defined my shoulders are. I would try KPC, Kick Max combo section, the arm drill at the end of cardio kicks, or Kickbox from Cathe. ( I use 1 pound weigted gloved for them). The Powerstrike workout are great for your shoulders, too. hope this helps!
Thanks for your post. Now that I think about it, I do have upper body DOMS when doing KPC. Will have to inc more of it. I do have definition, just want more "meat"!
Here's the routine I do at the gym that could be done at home:

superset barbell shrugs (could be subbed with dumbells) & upright raises for traps
dumbell military press--try it w/10 lbs
superset standing flies & front raises--again, try w/10 lbs
superset incline flies (again, 10 lbs) & incline side raises (it's hard to explain these but I'll give you a link in which Cathe explained it to me:

I think you could sub the step for the incline bench if you just put the risers under one end. The weights I listed are for beginners, but if you decide to try this routine I don't want you to get hurt, so work your way up to the weight with which you're comfortable.
Thanks again Laura. I haven't done shrugs in a long time, forgot those. Have increased incline flies, but haven't done the incline side raises. Will try. I do have an incline weight bench.

I'm a former fitness instructor, but brain gets rusty when you aren't actually coming up with ways to torture other people several times per week.}(
Another vote for S&H Shoulders. I haven't done it recently but sure get good results when I do. I love shoulder work!

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