Here is a cut and paste from a time CATHE described them here (you can do a search and find more info. too):
One of my favorites: The Walking Lunge
This exercise requires a lot of space so you may need to take this outside in your driveway or somewhere that allows you to travel a straight distance of say 40 to 50 feet.
How to do it:
Stand with feet hip width apart, legs straight, abdominals contracted, and core muscles engaged. Keep torso centered between both legs as you take a generous step forward with the right foot, bending both knees to 90 degree angles. The right knee stays in line with the right ankle and rear thigh is perpendicular to the floor. The left (or in this case the rear knee) will point to the floor but never make contact with it. Continue to walk forward alternating lead legs until you have alternated the lead for 16 rep's per
side. Do up to three walking sets if possible. Remember that even though you are moving forward in this lunge, you need to keep your stride within the range of a standard forward lunge, therefore keeping the lunging motion vertical and upright. As you step
forward, sink down and feel the hips lower down as the quads and hamstrings activate. Then push off the back foot to propel forward to the other lead leg.
Also, most people usually break up the 400, and work up to doing longet sets at one time. Start with what you can handle and keep going from there.