Wal-mart Step or Orginal Sep

baby ruth

New Member
I do not have any other exercise equipment. In the long run, is it better to spend the money on the better option? I want to use it for aerobics and weights. I am an active person but not a good exerciser. Walking is the one thing i have stuck to. I am 50, 5'2" & 155lbs. I know how to eat and drink plenty of water. I just love sugar in any form. I hope to lick that habit this year. I have lost 15 lbs last year. Just need to contine. Would like to be fit & fifty.The forums are very helpful and Cathe seems to be a instructor. Thanks in advance for any advice.
I would definitely recommend the Original Club Step. It may not seem *that much* longer in the beginning BUT it will make a huge difference as you get better at step with Cathe. You'll be able to add intensity and power because you'll be traveling further over and around. Also, the extra length means it doubles well as a weight bench.

Good luck!
I don't know anything about the Walmart step, but if it's a smaller one, I'd opt for the "real thing." Unless, of course, you're just beginning to do step and aren't really sure if it will be your thing. In that case, you might not want to spend that much money on a piece of equipment that may just collect dust. Have you done step aerobics before? Can you take a class at a gym to see if you are going to like it?

For me, one of the advantages of the real step is that the risers can be used on the high step. Cathe's site is the only place that I've found that sells just the top part of the high step, so it's possible to get two really good systems at a good price. JMO!

This probably wasn't much help, but good luck with your choice! I hope you have fun in your new exercising endearvor.
Hey, good for you! Sounds like you are in great shape and active at a point of time in this country when many aren't. Anyway, cathe is amazing, if you can keep up with her, then you can do just about anything! I'm 23 and a long distance runner/cyclist and i tell you what, no matter how great of shape i'm in, she always has me huffing and puffing like i haven't worked out in weeks!
On to your question, I have a reebok step that i bought from target and i hate it. Its way too small so i'm always having to modify the moves to not fall and break an ankle. my mom has this amazing step and i'm not sure where to get it(online perhaps), but its made of this flexible kind of wood that is formed in an arc so it gives when you step on it and it is great for your knees. As far as quality of a step, definitely buy a big one(the original size), it does not necessarily have to be the "offical original health club step" b/c there are others available, but it is usually the one that is most readily available. Also, check out sports stores, in particular the Sports Chalet, and I have seen this also at Target, they have the actual Cathe step PLUS 2-3 of her step workouts included AND it is only 60 dollars.
Hope this helps
The step at Target, I believe, is the same step that is at Wal-Mart. I would definitely go with the original club step. I bought mine at walmart.com. I found it was least expensive there and I knew I could return it easily at the store if I had a problem or didn't like it. Of course I never did return it. :)
Yes, the better option would be the Original Club Step, I've had mine for almost 20 years now back when Cher was doing videos. Most all of the exercise video instructors use them now it appears unless they are selling their own version of the step bench. The newer ones the colours are different, I have pink and purple risers with turquise base. Also, for the high steps, you can buy the topper through here at a reasonable cost so you can use the risers from the original club step.
I first bought the smaller step, and soon found that the longer, original step would help in lateral moves, could be used as a bench for UB work, and it would have more height variances.

I went on e-bay and bought an original step with 6 risers for about $70.00. Then I got the high step topper on Cathe's site.

Check e-bay; you might just find a good buy!


(I ended up giving my small step away!);-)
Get the big one - Original Step.

It is also to use as a weight bench.

If you buy the little one you will eventually just end up with two because you will want the big one after a while.

Definitely get the bigger one. I had a smaller one for years and my DH finally got me the club step for Christmas. I don't know why I waited so long. It is so much better, especially to use for weights.

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