Waht is the "Push/Pull" method??


Active Member
Hi, Cathe!

I would like to know what the Push/Pull method is. I have never heard of it before these forums. I apprectiate all the great work you are doing Cathe and am looking forward especially to the Slow and Heavy series, since it is one my husband can do as well. Eat you Wheaties and take care of yourself. Thanks for your response in advance. Deb D
I'll give this a shot and see if Cathe and everyone else agrees with my answer. As far as I understand, a "push/pull" method of training with weights means that you train the exact opposing muscle groups in the same workout. For example, you work chest and back on the same day. Chestwork requires a pushing motion with weights and backwork uses a pulling motion in one of several positions. Same with biceps/triceps. FOr bis you are pulling a weight towards you, then for the opposing tricep muscles you are pushing the weight away to work the muscle. Does that make sense? It's a great way to train, I think people new to this method will enjoy it and see great results. Can't wait to see Cathe's new moves and workouts.

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