Wahhh! and it's so close!


Hi all, I had to have somewhere to vent and I knew you all would understand. Saturday evening I had an accident moving a concrete park bench and now I have to have hand surgery on Thursday or Friday. I severed the tendon on my middle finger. I am so upset. I even ordered both the videos and dvds so I wouldn't have to wait. I am not sure how long the recovery time is, but I can bet lifting a 20# weigth is a long way away. Oh well, thanks for letting me whine. Enjoy them for me. Val
:( I am soo sorry to hear about your injury! You're right, what timing! Just think, you will be able to preview the videos and what a pro you will be when you can start in! Also, your injury could have been much worse where you could have never been able to use your hand, fingers at all. You should be able to do the videos where there is no lifting involved ex: Step Blast, and maybe you can just go through the motions with the other vids, if it is o.k. with your doc! Here's hoping to a speedy recovery!:7
Well that is just plain awful! I feel for you! But you can probably do step - yes - and not move your arm too much? Just no weights?

Well do what your doctor says for therapy and you'll recover in no time!
Awww Val!!! We DO understand! I am so sorry to hear of your accident. Keep us posted after surgery and let us know what the doctor says. Hopefully you will be able to do the step tape and possibly the Kick, Punch & Crunch (leaving the punches out!). You might even be able to do the strength tapes without weights???? Lunges, squats, plies and so forth. Good Luck and keep us posted.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Okay Val, you and me together a great big WAAAHH! I know what you are feeling friend. You with the boo boo on her hand, and me with a big boo boo on the inside. We can cry together. So close to that new series.... Good luck with that surgery, and I am so sorry you are feeling bad. Just do whatever they tell you....and NO cheating there and you'll be lifting in no time at all. Us strong, fit Catheites have amazing healing times! Take care, Donna.

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