Vote for Cathe on Fit-tv


I was watching Fit-TV and they are having a poll to vote for your favorite trainer for the day. The winner will appear all day on May 22nd (just like Cathe was on 5/1). The four trainers are our beloved Cathe, Sharon Mann, Gilad, and Derek Noble. As of this morning, Cathe has 40% of the votes so I thought I would let everyone know in case you would like to vote and have Cathe blow away the competition. Go to fittv's home page to cast your vote!

Thanks for posting this! I just voted. Cathe was in second with 35% and Sharon Mann was first with 39%.
Heck, I voted twice, you can do that if you want. I'm sure I could vote more than that, but I'm not sure that would be fair then.:)

I cheated and voted again. Sharon and Cathe are tied at 39% of the votes with Gilad a distant runner-up at 19% of the votes.
I just voted and it says Cathe is at 48%, Sharon 33%,Gilad 16%. Woo Hoo!!

I don't have FitTv. I've never even heard of Sharon Mann!!

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