vitamins and supplements....?


The Supplement thread got me thinking and I'm wondering what brand of vitamins or supplements you use.

I am looking for a good multi vitamin and don't know what to look for in one and how to know I'm getting good quality. I'm reading more and more that Walmart brand is NOT equal to a natural vitamin.
Is that really true?

Do we also really need extra E, C, B, D and magnesium like I keep reading??

I'm already taking 3 thyroid meds a day, nexium, calcium and glucosamine and don't want to pop pills all day long!!!


I take:

mlti-vitamin with minerals ( a Sentrum knock off)
Calcium with soy
vitamin E
Flax seed oil
Omega 3/6 fish oil
mid-day : the chewable calcium (500 mg)

I take them with my protein shake in the am after working out. Taking them helps get the shake down, and since I am drinking all this anyway, it doesn't bother me at all.

p.s I swear that the soy in the calcium and the vitamin E combo helps me with hot flashes /night sweats.. I know if I go away for a week and forget to bring the supplements, the hot flashes etc come back.
I sometimes take Gentle Care from Dr. Fuhrman. It has the advantage on NOT containing either vitamin A (palmitate) or isolated carotenoids, which studies suggest to be harmful when taken as isolated supplements.

Otherwise, I take foods that contain vitamins and minerals (Vega meal replacement as a smoothie; superfood supplements like maca, mangosteen, açaí; and for vitamin C, acerola cherry extract, which contains not only C, but the cofactors like bioflavnoids, that come withh it).

I think it's a good idea to take supplements with discretion. So many foods are now supplemented, and studies often show that isolated nutrients--like vitamin A/carotenes, vitamin E--are either not as effective as eating actual foods with the nutrient in, or are actually harmful).
I have major eye problems (blind in my right eye) .. and my eye Doc reccommended me to get on Ocuvite w/Lutin ..

.. it has all the major multi vitimans .. and I feel so much better overall since I have been on them ..

.. I have tried other multi-vitimans like Centrum etc .. but they gave me the worst indigestion .. make me sick feeling when I took them .. but Ocuvite does not ...

{not sure if it is helping my eyes .. but I do feel better on them}:7
I take the 'gold pack' from Purity Products. It has everything under the sun in it and supposedly is more in line in percentages of what we really need, quality ingredients, and is more easily absorbable. I saw a review of vitamins somewhere and these were ranked at the top. They're not cheap but I think they're good. I seem to have more energy than when I was just taking Centrum!

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