Here you have the DVD chaptering - Cathe Friedrich: The Terminator
This DVD contains three “parts” workouts compiled from IMAX2, Cardio & Weights, Boot Camp, and Muscle Endurance. There are no ab/core work segments on this DVD. Each segment has a chapter number, so you could use this DVD to program your own circuit workouts. There are no additional premixed combos on this DVD. The footage on this DVD includes:
* all of IMAX2
* most of Cardio & Weights (all but the heavy upper body work and abs)
* about half of Boot Camp
* about half of Muscle Endurance
Cathe uses dumbbells for all of the CW compound exercises. For BC or ME exercises that can be done with either a barbell (bb) or dumbbells (db), I’ve indicated whether Cathe uses a barbell or dumbbells for that segment.
The Gauntlet
This workout contains six cycles of: one IMAX2 interval, one BC lower body exercise, one CW compound exercise, one BC upper body exercise, and one BC cardio segment. The intervals from IMAX2 include the step, interval, and recovery segments (sometimes the recovery is cut short!).
Chapters: this menu allows you to “jump into” the workout at any of the starting points listed. The DVD will continue to play to the end of the workout.
cycle 1
cycle 2
cycle 3
cycle 4
cycle 5
cycle 6
Mix and Match: this menu allows you to select any workout chapter (see the workout chapters listed below). When the chapter is finished playing, you’ll return to the Mix and Match menu screen.
CHAPTERS The Gauntlet is title 1. The numbers below are chapter numbers.
5) warmup: IMAX2 (6:54)
6) IMAX2 interval 1 (4:11)
7) BC squats: bb (1:37)
8) CW plie squat/upright row (1:10)
9) BC overhead press: db (1:23)
10) BC speedskaters (1:20)
11) IMAX2 interval 4* (3:21)
12) BC side lunges with med ball (2:37)
13) CW static lunge/tricep overhead extension (1:05)
14) BC lying tricep extension: db (1:43)
15) BC jacks (1:12)
16) IMAX2 interval 7 (3:47)
17) BC squat/roundhouse kick (1:22)
18) CW reverse lunge/hammer curl (1:08)
19) change bb; BC bicep curls: bb (1:37)
20) BC terminator climbers (1:41)
21) IMAX2 interval 10* (3:41)
22) BC alternating front and side kicks (1:27)
23) CW deadlift/deadrow (1:12)
24) BC one-arm rows (1:31)
25) BC jack and jab (1:18)
26) IMAX2 interval 3 (5:31)
27) change bb; BC static lunges: bb (1:42)
28) CW plie squat/upright row (1:10)
29) BC pushups (1:28)
30) BC power kicks (1:34)
31) IMAX2 interval 6 (3:50)
32) BC lunges and reverse lunges: db (1:39)
33) CW deadlift/deadrow (1:13)
34) BC bent-over rows: bb (1:26)
35) BC kickbox speedbag (1:36)
36) stretch: CW (3:51)
* The recovery time for interval 4 is only 15 seconds. For some reason, it was cut short! The recovery time for interval 10 is only 10 seconds. On the IMAX2 DVD, the cooldown starts after 10 seconds of recovery from interval 10, and this was the cutoff point for this segment. This workout doesn’t have a final cooldown. Note: for the BC segments, you’ll only be doing the exercise itself for about 60 seconds.
Total workout time: 69:57
warmup: 6:54
IMAX2 intervals: 24:21
BC lower body: 10:24
CW compound exercises: 6:48
BC upper body: 9:08
BC cardio: 8:41
stretch: 3:51
The Viper
This workout contains four cycles of: on CW cardio segment, one IMAX2 interval, and two or three ME strength segments. The intervals from IMAX2 contain the step, interval, and recovery segments. However, the recovery is cut short for interval 9. You’ll only get 15 seconds of recovery before the next segment starts!
Chapters: this menu allows you to “jump into” the workout at any of the starting points listed. The DVD will continue to play to the end of the workout.
cycle 1
cycle 2
cycle 3
cycle 4
Mix and Match: this menu allows you to select any workout chapter (see the workout chapters listed below). When the chapter is finished playing, you’ll return to the Mix and Match menu screen.
CHAPTERS: The Viper is title 4. The numbers below are chapter numbers.
2) CW warmup (5:28)
3) CW cardio segment 1 (5:55)
4) IMAX2 interval 1 (4:12)
5) ME: squats: bb; change bb (3:24)
6) ME deadlifts: bb (1:49)
7) ME one-arm rows (2:41)
8) CW cardio segment 2 (6:36)
9) IMAX2 interval 2 (3:57)
10) ME bicep curls: bb (3:39)
11) ME tricep dips (1:03)
12) ME tricep kickbacks (1:03)
13) CW cardio segment 3 (6:21)
14) IMAX2 interval 5 (3:58)
15) ME change bb; static lunges: bb (5:22)
16) ME chest flys (3:35)
17) CW cardio segment 4 (6:23)
18) IMAX2 interval 9* (3:34)
19) ME overhead presses: db (1:10)
20) ME front and side raises (0:55)
21) ME rear delt raises (2:41)
22) ME pushups (1:10)
23) ME stretch (3:59)
Total workout time: 79:58
warmup: 5:28
CW cardio: 25:15
IMAX2 intervals: 15:40
ME lower body only: 8:46
ME upper body only: 18:18
ME deadlifts: 1:49
stretch: 3:59
IMAX Xtreme
This workout contains four cycles of: one CW cardio, one CW compound exercise, and two IMAX2 intervals. The intervals from IMAX2 contain the step, interval, and recovery segments.
Chapters: this menu allows you to “jump into” the workout at any of the starting points listed. The DVD will continue to play to the end of the workout.
CW cardio/compound 1
IMAX2 intervals 2, 3
CW cardio/compound 2
IMAX2 intervals 4, 5
CW cardio/compound 3
IMAX2 intervals 6, 7
CW cardio/compound 4
IMAX2 intervals 8, 9 (also includes cooldown)
stretch (the menu says stretch/cooldown, but the cooldown is in the interval 9 chapter)
Mix and Match: this menu allows you to select any workout chapter (see the workout chapters listed below). When the chapter is finished playing, you’ll return to the Mix and Match menu screen.
CHAPTERS: IMAX Xtreme is title 6. The numbers below are chapter numbers.
2) CW warmup (5:29)
3) CW cardio segment 1 (5:57)
4) CW plie squat/upright row (1:04)
5) IMAX2 interval 2 (4:00)
6) IMAX2 interval 3 (5:28)
7) CW cardio segment 2 (6:38)
8) CW static lunge/overhead tricep extension (1:01)
9) IMAX2 interval 4 (3:36)
10) IMAX2 interval 5 (4:01)
11) CW cardio segment 3 (6:23)
12) CW reverse lunge/hammer curl (1:06)
13) IMAX2 interval 6 (3:49)
14) IMAX2 interval 7 (3:55)
15) CW cardio segment 4 (6:24)
16) CW deadlift/deadrow (1:12)
17) IMAX2 interval 8 (4:09)
18) IMAX2 interval 9 + cooldown (5:27)
19) IMAX2 stretch (4:31)
Total workout time: 74:52
warmup: 5:29
CW cardio: 25:22
CW compound exercises: 4:23
IMAX2 intervals (including cooldown): 34:25
stretch: 4:31
In my opinion IMAX extreme is the hardest . My favorite is the gaunlet.
Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie.