Views On Donna Read


Hi All, Just wondering if anyone owns any videos by Donna Read ? If so, what are her workouts like ?What is she like as an instructor ?

Many thanks

Anna, have you ever visited You might want to ask your question there. They also have reviews of many different videos.
Hi Anna - I have four Donna Read videos - CIA 9903, CIA 9701, CIA 2K06 and her new one Step Fever (which I haven't done yet). I like her - her choreography is very dancy, which I like but not everyone does so that depends on your preference. The other thing is her intensity is not real high. I really have to do Cathe-level intensity to keep my weight where I want it, but my Donna Read tapes are good for when I'm not up to high intensity but I want to do something. Hope that helps!

Great pilates abs work in her latest DVD. Style is a bit dancey for me. Weight work not as hard as Cathe. Yoga tape is advanced but OK.


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