video suggestions please


I am trying to find another workout like Power Hour that I can buy. I am doing power hour and leaner legs three days a week and cardio two days a week. I do not want to get bored with power hour and am looking to acheive the same goals, muscle endurance to get a slimmer, leaner look. Also, I would like a take that has both arms and legs. Can anyone help me find some tapes?
Also, I would like to start doing kickboxing on the step. Does anyone know of any good tapes?
Thank you.
Body Max has a great upper body endurance segment. And CTX Upper Body is endurance oriented. For kickboxing, I suggest Cardio Kicks. It is so darn fun!!!! As far as non-Cathe tapes go, I hear that there is a Body Pump tape, which is set up the same as PH (a body part per song) but I don't know if it is as good production and instructor wise as PH is. I also hear that Power Strike is good for kickboxing. I believe they have 3 DVDs out. I only 'do' Cathe, so I can't offer opinions, just what I've heard. Have fun!
I like CIA 2102 (I think that's the number) or Powerbar Training, as it's called, with the Anderson sisters. It's similar in format as Power Hour, although I have to use lighter weights for it. I really feel it the next day, though. You can get it at and maybe Collage, also.
Body Pump is awesome! (IMO) It is very much like PowerHour in that you work a body part per song. It's shorter in duration, 45min, and you use a barbell only. The songs are great, and the workout flys by because you're singing along. And it doesn't hurt that there are some great looking men in this video! :) But it's a small crew, 6 of them I think, and they do show modifications for those new to endurance and new to weights, there is always someone to follow who isn't using a barbell and doing the exercise without. I love it and HATE when I have to rotate off of it for a few weeks. It's well cued, not as sharply as Cathe's, but well cued, and at the end of the video is a section with form pointers for each segment and they demonstrate slowly the correct form. I love teaming both PowerHour and Body Pump in the same rotation, and it's nice to have a total body workout that you can squeeze in in 45min some days! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-02 AT 06:57PM (Est)[/font][p]
For endurance exercise like power hour, that covers upper and lower body, I would suggest Cathe's MIS and also love Body Pump too (they sell this one at collagevideo). Kick-boxing on the step I can't help! But just kick-boxing, I would say, Cathe's and powerstrike.
I'd have to second the suggestion for CIA's Powerbar Training. It's a fryer!! I also like Body Pump, and although the music is great, I feel the intensity level is a notch or two below both Power Hour and Powerbar Training. The form in Powerbar Training isnt stellar, but with the good teaching we've all gotten from Cathe, I just look past this flaw.


I ditto the Powerbar workout with the Anderson sisters. They are a good combo together I have a few of their videos and like them all.

When I do the Powerbar video I have to use lighter weights than I can use with Cathe's tapes. The shoulders on that video really burn my muscles to the max. I can only use a 18# body bar for the shoulders and 5# weights for the others. I am always anamzed on how it burns my muscles.

The leg workout is intermixed in between the arm workouts as in Power Hour. I hope this helps you. It is about 75 minutes in length.


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