Video Questions


New Member
What is the difference between Pure Strength and Slow and Heavy? I am new to Cathe's tape but I really think I am going to love them! My goal is to build muscle!

IMO, you really do need both (sorry!)

S&H is a great series that is entirely about building muscle and increasing strength. However, due to the nature of the workouts (higher weights, few reps, and 8 counts on each rep) it's definitely draining mentally, and is not recommended for more than 3 week rotations at a time. That's where the PS Series comes in, which is also geared more towards muscular strength and more versatile in that it can be used longer. I just polished off my first 3 week S&H rotation, but am using Power Hour at the moment for more sculpting being that it's an endurance workout.

That said, alot of us found quickly that her tapes are very addictive. I started with Cathe back in 96' and have acquired every single one of her tapes since, and of course, am pre-ordering her new ones! :)

Happy Workouts!

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