Video numbers


This question is just one of curosity...approximately how many videos were pre-ordered? I'm just trying to figure how many people in the country know about you and your videos, how many folks are working out from their homes, etc. If this question is inappropriate, please disregard. I live in a very small town and am just trying to feel the pulse of the rest of the workout community. Thanks, Danna
To Danna

I think there are a LOT more people out there who don't do home workouts than do. I also think that the group here is select in that we are able to access the Internet.

Honestly, I had done home videos for years before I even heard of Cathe Friedrich. Fonda, Prickett, Firm, Kathy Smith, etc. I feel as if I stumbled on Cathe and had it not been for her MIS would probably still not have bought her videos.

Now I'm hooked on Cathe Friedrich, have done almost every video she's made and love her cardio workouts above any others!

I still am a Firm loyalist and when I compare Cathe and the Firm to what the rest of the fitness industry has done (sold out to glossy marketing and the easiest way to make $ with the least effort), there is no comparision.

One thing that Cathe and the Firm deliver are quality workouts that will change your life!
Don't forget the rest of the world!

Dear Danna,

I can't give you any figures, but I thought I'd point out that fitness videos from the States (as well as home-grown versions) are also sold abroad. I lived in England for many years, and loads of shops carry vidoes such as Kathy Smith, Kari Anderson, Keli Roberts, Denise Austin, Cindy Crawford etc, and Gin Miller. There are also specialist dealers for Karen Voight. I now live in Spain, and here there's the added problem of dubbing, but you can still buy Jane Fonda, Callan Pinker, and Leticia (sic?) Jackson vids in normal stores, plus in specialist aerobic instructor stores you can get undubbed copies of CIA videos, as well as most of those mentioned for the UK. Then there's internet shopping - anywhere that offers PAL format videos is doing so for the European market (eg. Collage Videos). So, the home fitness enthusiast community may not be obvious, certainly isn't a majority, but is definitely out there, all over the world!

Not only that, but each country manufactures their own - e.g. in VF there's a review of a tape by Diane Youdale, Summer Beach Body, an English tape - one of the very few which seems to have made it to the States. There are also tapes, in English, from Italian, Swedish and Dutch aerobics instructors, as well as own language tapes from all these countries plus Spain and France, just to name the ones I know of.

Globally, Cathe has a major drawback, never having released anything in PAL format, so us poor geographically-challenged folks couldn't enjoy her workouts till now - exercise DVD's are non-region specific!
I got a DVD player for my birthday, in June, with some help from my mom, and ordered Cathe's first DVD before I even had the player. Now there's just the torment of having to wait an extra month or so for the new ones to come out! I'll be jealously reading all the rave reviews, I'm sure.

Anyhow, just thought I'd add my "beat" to the pulse of the workout community. None of my friends here in Spain share my interest, being mainly non-English speaking, so I, too, come to the internet to meet like-minded people. Hope this wasn't too long-winded.

Well Said, Cee Jay!

Thank you for getting my thoughts "out of the box" regarding fitness videos.

You know, Cathe has probably not tapped but a little of the market available -- I think her DVDs will ultimately allow her to expand accordingly into most industrialized nations in the world.

What is really sad are those countries where fitness is the last thing on the citizens' mind. They are too busy trying to stay alive what with famine, war, infectious disease and poverty. Sometimes I actually feel guilty because I have had so much opportunity to become successful. This is partly due to the luck of being born in the U.S.

I know this is completely off the subject now, so I'll hush.
Working out at home

Thank you all for the input. I have been working out at home for almost ten years starting with THE FIRM and growing with the industry to better and better videos. I still feel I'm the odd one out when it comes to fitness routines. NO ONE I know uses videos to achieve their fitnees goals; but when I think about it, no one I know has stuck with it for ten years either. I guess there is something to be said about being different. Thanks again to all who reponded. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Danna
our big "advantage"

As a 27 year veteran of "home work outs" and this includes --yes--the first actual vinyl record of Jane fonda's workout and many cassette tapes of Joanie Greggains and others--we are a special crowd. We are the ones who relish the flexibility and "private triumph" of finishing a workout that no one "saw" but ourselves. I need that immediacy and privacy--my motivation is maintaining and improving over 27 years and (ha-ha) using workout clothes as a motivator.

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