Video Clothing Clarification

Cathe Friedrich

Hi All! It has been brought to my attention that it has been difficult to find the top that I am wearing in Stretch Max. Please forgive me. I forgot to clarify that the top that I am wearing in Stretch Max was personally altered by my seamstress friend. It is actually the top that Cedie is wearing in Stretch Max but I had mine shortened. I also had the green top in High Step Challenge shortened. It was originally the full length green top that Cedie is wearing. I do recall that these are the only items that I had altered.

Thank you for pointing this out to me. I hope I didn't cause a great inconvenience to anyone.
You, causing an inconvenience? No way! I'm sure everyone was just wanting to have those gorgeous clothes you were wearing - and the EXACT ONES that Cathe has.:)

You're doing us more than a great service by #1 creating a multitude of stellar workouts, #2 being involved on a forum like this, and #3 even going so far as to help us find similar outfits that you wear - and we're getting a discount on those to boot!

We all appreciate you!!

I am amazed by you. I admired and appreciated how you answers our questions and have so much patient for us. I was so amazed on how some people in this forum really noticed such tiny detail. I guess you may considered getting into the exercising clothing fashion business. Have a wonderful and peaceful holiday. Besure to spend lots of time with your boys and particularly your hubbie!

Mrs. HTK:D
I think this series is going to be very very special. There are things in this one that so many of us have wanted for a long time. So when we start working out with HardCore, many of us want everything to be 'just right'. We want the clothes, the shoes, the equipment, your muscles, (okay, a few of us have to work on that one, LOL); in other words, many of us want things to be as best they can be, to be as close to you as can be.
So attention to the details is a must in order to have the clothes, and equipment you are using.

I know I speak for everyone when I give you my heartfelt gratitude in making this series, listening to our wants, our suggestions, and following through with 11 workouts and making something that will please everyone. You are one very special lady.

I hope you will now take a more than a well-deserved rest and enjoy this special time with your family.

Lots of hugs to you
Well maybe the clothing company will see how good you look in the top and decide to create the very same one. The clothes you picked for this series look fantastic. And I agree that if I had abs like you, I would shorten all my tops too!!


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