Video clip for High Step Challenge


I'm trying to decide which High Step workout to get. I FINALLY (woo hoo!) got my Media Play to work. The clip for HSCh doesn't show any work on the step itself. What's up with that? I really was looking forward to seeing it. x( ;(

Bam! I love High Step Challenge. It is my favorite between it and High Step Training Advance...which I also like.

High Step Challenge is interval work. You use the high step for leg presses, push ups...oh, I just can't think right now.

Buy'll like it!}(

Edited to add the HSC description:

Second edit: Just watched all 10min. 24 sec. of the video clip and I am surprised that there is no step work shown. Hmmmm. Wonder why they left it out of the clip? Anyway, this workout has a huge fun factor for me. MOF, I may just go pop it in right now and do it!:D
40something, all 3 of them look great and I've read opinions on each of them so I figured watching the clips would help me decide based on what I'm looking for. I really want more repeat moves like intensity moves or blasts to really target the thighs if you know what I mean. It's just funny that the clip didn't show any of the step work. I hope someone from the powers that be read this and modify it. Thanks for your suggestion. :)

You may want to go with HSTA if you want moves that repeat and challenge the thighs. There are more step ups, the weight work (especially lower) seems harder to me than the leg work in HSC, and the cardio is tougher. I do like HSC b/c of the music, the core work, and the use of the band.
40something....moolah, moolah, moolah! :p There are so many workouts I want to get and I don't want to mortgage my house......yet, so I'm trying to find ones that will be the most effective for me right now. Hmmmmmmm, how could I make more money to support this habit.....rob a bank? nah, don't have a ski mask; invest in real estate? - nah, that takes capital; become a lady of the evening? - nah, been there done yet :eek: lol; ooh, I know, I could hold captive an executive at a major exercising distribution company and demand all their exercise dvd's...............oh, wait, :-( I'd have to have built up enough muscles to be strong enough to do that so, I guess I'll be buying them a few at a time for awhile. }(

Bam ;)
Bam! I totally understand. What I meant the HS workout now that you think you want the most...then get the other one later when cash flow permits. Just get both...eventually. }(

I tend to do HSC more just because it's a favorite. I will do HSTA tomorrow and give you a review. But like Angela said before...I do think there are more leg presses in HSTA but I haven't done that one for awhile so I can't remember exactly.:eek:

High Step Training uses the HS much...much more than HSC. I would get HST first. ***exhaling*** going for water now....
LOL....Is there any water left in your water supply? I guess your description says it all. Thanks! :7 Bam
Almost forgot Bam...this workout is great for the legs! I'm still feeling a little spaghetti-like!

You know this has been a 'eye opener' for me. I have so many Cathe's that it's impossible to use them all with much frequency. I haven't used HST for a long time and after doing it today, realized it is a good workout and here it sits in my cabinet collecting dust.

I counted my Cathe workouts...I have 34 dvd's. Good what point did I acquire that many??

And the even sadder thing is...I won't sell any of them because I do eventually use them all in my rotation's.

And now I have P90x and the P90 Masters series...thinking I should cancel my Cathe preorder as I've spent enough money on workouts the last few years!
I wanna feel like sghetti, I wanna feel like sghetti! :+ Wow, 34 Cathe's is quite a collection. I wish we all lived near each other so we could swap and try them. So you dove into the P90 series. Have you started it yet? So many dvd's, so little time. ;( lol
OK, so that's a definite on my list. There are a few other non Cathe ones that I'm considering and with all the opinions everyone is giving me here, I may have my list finalized pretty soon.

I've got tons of videos that I've got to go through and see if I can weed any of them out. It's just hard to give them up unless they're really awful. I'm transferring some of them onto DVD which is making it a lot easier to workout to them. It's a long and arduous process so I'm just doing a little bit here and there. Maybe I'll sort through some tonight......unless a good movie is on!

I hope you can walk tomorrow :p Unless you're like me and love it when I'm an invalid.....for a good reason, that is!


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