Vick suspended indefinitely


Finally some good news...

Vick suspended indefinitely by NFL news services

Updated: August 24, 2007, 5:56 PM ET
NEW YORK -- The NFL has suspended Michael Vick indefinitely.

A letter to Vick from NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said, in part:

"Your admitted conduct was not only illegal, but also cruel and reprehensible. Your team, the NFL, and NFL fans have all been hurt by your actions."

"Your plea agreement and the plea agreements of your co-defendants also demonstrate your significant involvement in illegal gambling. Even if you personally did not place bets, as you contend, your actions in funding the betting and your association with illegal gambling both violate the terms of your NFL Player Contract and expose you to corrupting influences in derogation of one of the most fundamental responsibilities of an NFL player."

"You have engaged in conduct detrimental to the welfare of the NFL and have violated the league's Personal Conduct Policy."

"I will review the status of your suspension following the conclusion of the legal proceedings. As part of that review, I will take into account a number of factors, including the resolution of any other charges that may be brought against you, whether in Surry County, Virginia, or other jurisdictions, your conduct going forward, the specifics of the sentence imposed by Judge Hudson and any related findings he might make, and the extent to which you are truthful and cooperative with law enforcement and league staff who are investigating these matters."

"I have advised the Falcons that, with my decision today, they are no longer prohibited from acting and are now free to assert any claims or remedies available to them under the Collective Bargaining Agreement or your NFL Player Contract."
Thanks Lorie for sharing this article. I was wondering what the NFL's response was going to be after Vick entered his plea.

The really TERRIBLE part of all this (that doesn't seem to get much press) is the fate of those 50-something pitbulls that were seized from his property. I believe that this week is the week that all owners had to claim the dogs. But really...who would step forward to claim them? And readily ADMIT that they had a hand in an illegal operation?

Most likely (almost certain), all of those dogs will be put down because of the inability for them to be adopted out due to their "training". The innocent victims in all of this will finally get their rest. It is too sad...beyond words terrible.

Any time ANYONE tries to sympathize with Vick I ALWAYS tell them, "where is the symphathy for those 50+ dogs?". That usually shuts them up.

A newscaster said that when Vick asks for mercy form the court, the particular judge that is hearing the case will likely ask why he desereves mercy when he showed none to the dogs he killed and fought.

The fate of the dogs is pretty much sealed. As someone who has worked in rescue for 10+ years, I have been around dogs that were trained to fight. They have been trained to be such a danger to other animals and people that they have to be killed. It's so sad because they were not born that way.

The reason they started using pit bulls as fighting dogs was, not only because they have strong jaws, but because they are so incredibly loyal that they would fight if their owner wanted them to. They are also very smart.

Pit bulls used to be the most popular dogs in the country in the 50's. The Little Rascals dog was a pit bull.

The whole thing is just so sad...
I'm very relieved to hear this. I especially like that he added any charges brought against Vick by Surrey VA or any other jurisdictions as that means even if the Feds cave, others can press charges that matter to Goodall. It's nice to finally have a football commissioner who practices what he preaches.

I understand that Judge Hudson does not have to accept the plea, and I so dearly hope he throws the book at Vick and that it is a VERY heavy book.

Thought I'd share this pic since I just received it from Big Dogs - whom I quote, "Pass it on to everyone you know" - ha!


Call us anytime 800-642-DOGS


*** Cynthia aka RetroFit ***
>As someone who has worked in rescue for 10+ years, I have been >around dogs that were trained to fight. They have been trained to >be such a danger to other animals and people that they have to be >killed. It's so sad because they were not born that way.

I hate to disagree, but as a pit bull owner for almost 15 years I'm going to have to. I hate to get into pit bull debates, but I also can't let people think that this is true when it absolutely is not true for all former fight dogs. True, some have been too damaged by the monsters who owned them, but that is NOT true for them all. Please, please go visit, a pit bull rescue organization and you can read about many, many, many rescued fight dogs who now have wonderful, loving homes with kids and with other dogs in them. You can either read about them by going to the News Flash and then to their blog (where it says no thanks to Vick their blog runneth over) or you can go to Happy Endings and read about more. Fight dogs are NOT trained to be mean to people. I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT against dog fighting but if you research dog fighting history, dogs that were mean towards people were put down (humanely, not the Vick way) because they HAD to be able to be able to be handled by people.

As for Vick's dogs, this was in the New York Times:

Surry County Animal Control Officer James Smith about the Vick dogs, “They are in good shape,” he said. “They are not violent to humans.” - New York Times 8/1/07

One of the stories from the site (it shows her sweet picture):

Amy came from an Oakland dog fighter's yard, and she's seen it all.

Far from a machine ... She's a sentient being with a sensitive nature and a weakness for belly rubs. Like all dogs, she feels pain, and she prefers the creature comforts that all companion animals deserve. She has admirable leash manners and has even decided to have a few dogs friends. She happily co-exists with a cat in her adopted home, and, she loves burrowing herself in fluffy blankets. Imagine that.

Not all of the dogs from her yard made out so well...Some were too damaged from their ordeals to start news lives, and those that stayed steady had no where to go after the shelter hold was up. But we're happy that Amy was able to get a fresh start and tell their story.

Hardly a Machine.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
I had the pleasure of housing a former 'fighting' pit bull for about a week in January and he was absolutely the sweetest dog in the world. All he wanted was love. In fact, I would say he may even have wanted it more than non-fighting, 'regular' dogs. He was with us for only a week but giving him was so hard.

I don't have the knowledge to agree or disagree with whether 'fighting' dogs can be rehabilitated, but I just thought I share a concurring story.
Thanks Pippa. Glad you shared. If you get a chance and are interested, go visit There are some totally awesome stories there about former fight dogs who have wonderful homes now. It's so sad to hear about how much some of those poor dogs just hate to fight and will turn tail and piss off their mean owners (like Vick). But even the ones who would fight are doing so well in their new homes. Their new stress-free lives must be such a relief to them. They just want loving homes.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Unfortunately for the dogs, there are some places (like Detroit) where homeless pit bulls (or those unclaimed by owners) are routinely euthanized, no matter what their temperament is.

I strongly believe in human euthanasia in some cases (ie: abusive animal owners) but I'm afraid it's not legal.}(

It makes my heart happy to hear this. Unfortunately, some of those that I have known were said to be unable to be rehabilitated. Seeing what you wrote will make me fight even harder for them.

I am glad dick's dogs are not violent to humans. Maybe they will have the chance he never gave them.

I really hope he gets eaten alive by dogs (is that bad???).
I'm with you Kathryn - put Vick down (and his criminal little brother, too - I'm sure he's tied to this in some way. His own father has come forward to say Vick had been holding dogfights in the family home's garage since 2001. Take Dad, too. The whole criminal family). It will be interesting to see if Vick "cooperates" with the authorities, as is part of his plea deal. Is he going to roll on other players and what will the long-term fall out be?
As for the judge, who has a rep for being pretty firm, I think Vick has already added fuel to that fire - he came into the man's court room at the beginning of all of this and pleaded not-guilty and then told the judge he had nothing to do with it. My impression of the judge is that he's not likely the type to take kindly to some over-payed child coming in an lying to his face in a court of law. I hope he gets the max!!
Ditto. I don't want just Vick, one guy to make an example of. I want anyone and everyone with any kind of association to dogfighting anywhere in sports to be outed and tried. Finally, the people who thrive in this bizarre subculture are finding out just how outside the mainstream they really are and how disgusted is the public. Bringing all this out into the light of day is the only way we're going to rescue these poor little creatures from the Hell in which they live every minute of their sad lives. Can you imagine? Suspended without pay... People can speculate as to his future all they want but the fact is Vick's finished. Do you think he gets it now? Do you think all his buddies and everyone else involved in this sickness get it? Really, I want ALL of them.
Only my opinion but I don't think Vick gets it at all. His apology was for bad judgement or some other crap not for abusing animals. He has not really admitted what he did and focuses alot on the fact that he hadn't been gambling! No I really think he is clueless.
Sadly enough Sirensongwoman, I don't think Vick is finished. I was watching NFL Live (okay, I wasn't watching it, DH was watching it and I was listening to it as I was in the kitchen doing other things as usual :p), and they were saying that Vick will probably be back to play in the NFL by 2010. They said he is such a talented player that someone will pick him up. May not be as a quarterback, but he'll be back. This all just makes me SO VERY SICK! I can't believe that he can do what he has done and is allowed to plea down (lie) like he has. I understand that they are afraid if it goes to trial he'll get off completely, but good grief. It's just wrong.

Unless he's beat to crap in prison and can no longer physically play!}(


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
>Sadly enough Sirensongwoman, I don't think Vick is finished.
>I was watching NFL Live (okay, I wasn't watching it, DH was
>watching it and I was listening to it as I was in the kitchen
>doing other things as usual :p), and they were saying that
>Vick will probably be back to play in the NFL by 2010. They
>said he is such a talented player that someone will pick him
>up. May not be as a quarterback, but he'll be back. This all
>just makes me SO VERY SICK! I can't believe that he can do
>what he has done and is allowed to plea down (lie) like he
>has. I understand that they are afraid if it goes to trial
>he'll get off completely, but good grief. It's just wrong.
>Unless he's beat to crap in prison and can no longer
>physically play!}(
>"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains
>unawakened." - Anatole France

Well, if someone does pick him up PETA, The Humane Society, and animal lovers everywhere will make life a living Hell for him, his teammates, the coaches, and the owners everywhere they play. People will show up just to throw things at him. He'll be too huge a distraction to be worth the hassle. If someone makes him an offer the media circus will just start up all over again. Also, by 2010 he will have not played football for three years. He'll be out of shape, out of practice, and hated by a huge percentage of Americans. Animal lovers have the longest collective memory of any group of people I've ever known. Also, he gambled. Doesn't that mean nobody CAN pick him up (not sure)? Just yesterday I heard on CNN that the NFL is trying to get the money back they've already paid him (22 million... fat chance). If I were him, I'd leave the country (I wouldn't move to England. They REALLY hate animal abusers!) but if he's already blown most of his signing bonus (sounds like it) he's not going anywhere. My thing is, I don't believe he's the only idiot in the NFL involved in this. All the quotes from other players (on other teams, even) when this story broke... So many thought the hoopla was kind of funny. I saw some of these guys smirking and giggling on ESPN. I just think Vick is the tip of the iceberg and I know he's not the only one who does this. So I wonder why we're not hearing about them. I mean, I think there are players who have no connection to Vick or his operation but who are nonetheless ALSO dogfighters or betters. I know they're there and I want their heads.
My only concern is that after he gets out of jail and has served any suspension he gets from the NFL lots of people will say that he has been 'rehabilitated.' And, therefore, deserves a second chance. I agree, he doesn't. This was not some 'mistake.' This was not some small error in judgement. He looked for and purchased this property with the express purpose of using it for dogfighting. He bought dogs and 'bait' with the express purpose of dogfighting. He funded the whole operation. That's what it is. It's not like he was involved in one illegal dogfight(which would be bad enough to me, but could still be argued by some that he just made a mistake.) He created this whole enterprise--they had a name and were, obviously, very organized. He deserves a lifetime ban.

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