Vick apologizes and asks for forgiveness

>>Well...I guess I(and a lot of people) just don't think it is >>ridiculous to abuse animals. And, in the United States, it IS >>ILLEGAL.

>>I read the article and I believe that he is sorry for the fact >>that he got caught and nothing more. I mean, his involvement >>spanned a period of YEARS. How can he wake up and in the course of >>a week just NOW realize that his actions were wrong? Where was >>that realization when he had a hand in killing those dogs?

>>What is he sorry for? Losing his career, his reputation, his >>money, his lifestyle???? He's cetainly not sorry for the dogs >>that's for sure.

Agreed!!! I love it - I can just pop in here late and agree with you all. Well said. :) I don't believe a word he says.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
I agree with you all!
I'm a tired of hearing those in the spot light 'apologizing'. ENOUGH! Just face it - your in the spot light!
>No. And unfortunately it's too late for those from whom he
>should be asking forgiveness to forgive him.
>ETA: I think the only thing for which he's sorry is that he
>got caught.

I agree.
It's easy for someone to say they are sorry after the damage has been done, but apologies that come only because one's actions have been brought to light are meaningless, IMO.

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