VHS "free shipping" negated with a DVD purchase? Is thi...



I'm new here. I ordered several dvd's the other day. This is my first time trying Cathe's programs (step aerobics). I ordered them after reading very positive "reviews" about them on videofitness.com.

I decided to order 2 more dvd's (Low Max and the Cardio Hits dvds) and 4 VHS tapes (to take advantage of the "buy 4, get 1 free, plus take $15 Off" special.

I was startled to find out that because I was ordering the "2 DVDs", the "free shipping" offer was negated. ;( This came out to a "$20 PLUS" difference in my total, which just made no sense to me (the shipping charge was $19+). After going over and over this several times with the Customer Service rep, I decided to not purchase the 2 dvds, as it basically washed out the "get 1 Free" offer that hooked me into buying the 4 VHS tapes in the first place.

From a marketing standpoint, this doesn't make sense to me. I'm being penalized basically for "wanting to buy MORE 'regular priced' dvds". ?

Is this correct? Or is there a misunderstanding here? I really wanted those 2 other DVDs.

Any input is much appreciated. Thanks.

Yeah, I bought a whole bunch of VHS of the older stuff since it was so much cheaper with the free shipping and the free video. I figured also that I would be spending $30.00 for two videos instead of $45.00 for the DVD two workout combos. VHS players will around for a long time since so many people have invested so much money in their videos. I don't really care if the quality of the picture or sound isn't as great, and I can forward to places. I don't care so much to mix and match. If I want to order DVD's and videos, I will just have to order them separately. But I know what you mean, it is a hassle.

I think the online order form doesn't give free (or discounted) shipping on mixed orders. You need to place an order with just your VHS, and that will deduct the shipping cost. Then place another order with the DVD's. I'm surprised the customer service rep didn't suggest that.


I just received my VHS order that I was commenting about above (complaining about DVDs negating the "free shipping" offer), and guess what? Eventhough I ONLY ordered the VHS tapes (did NOT order the dvds), I was STILL over-charged on the order! They still charged me "shipping". grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

The sales guy on the phone had told me that he did "correct" the shipping the second time around (the first time around, the order still put shipping in). But when I got the "order confirmation email", I saw that the total included shipping charges! But he did put in a "notation" to the warehouse to wipe out the shipping charge. However, now that I received the order, I see that the invoice still has the shipping charge on it. I called the telephone number listed on the invoice, but apparently it is for "sales" only. And I was told there is NO way to contact customer service by phone. ?? So, they are going to have someone call me back. In the meantime, I did email customer service too.

Has anyone else had this problem? Or am I just the lucky one? It seems like a lot of hassle to go through to "get a deal". lol

ok. I really am feeling as though I'm jinxed now. :(

I hadn't bothered to unpack the box, once I noticed the shipping over-charge on the invoice. But I decided to take the tapes out this morning, hoping to try one to workout to. And guess what now? :( One of the VHS tapes was NOT in the box. The invoice showed I was charged for all of them (buy 4, get 1 free); but there was no "free" one. Then, I noticed a seperate piece of paper with a notation, stating that this one (Rhythmic Step) was on "backorder". ?

So, again, is this usual? Shouldn't the site (or the salesperson I ordered from over the phone) have told me it was on backorder? And shouldn't the invoice have noted this? I'm glad I didn't just toss the box after taking the videos out, ,or I would not have known what was going on with the missing one.

I did email Customer Service yesterday, and again today with the new info about the backorder. I'm still waiting to hear from them. The saleswoman this morning said that it takes about 48hrs to hear back from them.

I want to get my DVD order in, but now I don't know what to think.


I have every faith than SNM will make things right. Sorry you are going through all this, I know mishandled orders can be frustrating.


Hang in there! This (IMO) is not a common occurance. SNM will make it right. I know it's frustrating when you want your workouts NOW! I just had an incident with a Cathe tee I ordered. UPS left a note on my tracking saying that they couldn't deliver it because there was no such address. Yes, there is! I live at that address! Looong story short, we are a new allotment and they delivered it the following Monday. (Friday til Monday seems sooo long! I now am the proud owner of a Cathe tee!! :7 Good Luck! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Thanks Diane and Debbie! :) You must have brought me some luck here.

Ok. Now I feel like a dork. :+ I guess I needed to just chill a bit. I just got a very nice email from Nancy in customer service, so I am assured the shipping chg will be credited. And she even offered to let me have a different VHS tape in exchange for the backordered one, because she is not sure when the backorder will arrive. But, I am holding out for the Rhythmic Step backorder. :)

Thanks again. I should know by now that the more you really really are impatient in wanting something, the greater the chances for mishaps. I can't wait to try Cathe's tapes now though. I can finally lay my Buns of Steel 2000 Step tape to RIP. As you can see, I'm very new to stepping.

As you can see, I'm very new to stepping.

Uh-oh. You're going to be in for even more frustration once you get Rythmic Step then. It's a great video, but it will make you crazy if you are new to stepping. I hope that you will try some of the ones that are less choreographed first, or that you will at least be prepared to be a little frustrated at first! Have fun. :)


Yes, I'm afraid I agree with you wholeheartedly. I just now WATCHED (not "tried") Step Heat (on the Classics dvd), and OMG! I was exhausted just watching, and I was totally lost on some of the "hoppy" moves. ? I knew I was not very choreography-able, but? LOL Oh boy, I must be a clutz, for sure! I have trained with weights for many years, but my cardio has been only in the form of cycling and running. I just recently decided to give stepping a try. I have done super with the Buns of Steel 2000 Step, but I guess that is because the moves are very very very repetitive. lol I have a feeling I better just buy the "beginner" dvd that Cathe has out then: Basic Step & Body Fusion. Somehow, I thought I was really past that newbie stage, but I guess not! rofl I think I'll also get her Low Max dvd. I think that may be more my speed.

The dvds and vhs that I've ordered thus far are:
Classics dvd (Step Heat, Step Jam, Step Max)
Step N Motion vhs
Mega Step Blast vhs
All Step
Step Blast
(Rhythmic Step was the "free" one I got with the BUY 4 vhs deal, and as I said, it's on "backorder").

I read through the "rating" thread, and I figured I WAS an "intermediate". Isn't that a laugh? LOL

So, now I guess now I will get the Basic Step & Body Fusion, and the Low Max? I was going to buy the Cardio Hits dvd, but I guess that is way out of my league. lol

I wish Cathe would see this and post, so that I knew for sure just which Step (if any, lol) she thought I could possibly try. I've already spent a bundle, and it looks as though I can't even use any of the ones I've bought yet (though, I haven't viewed the vhs tapes yet, so maybe there is hope!).

Wow, you really are plunging into the step workouts! I think you'll catch onto Step Heat sooner than you think. I think it's best to learn the choreography in small doses. And the ratings guide has more to do with how intense the workout is, rather than how complicated the choreo is.

But Rythmic Step has the reputation of being very choreo complex - probably the most choreographed Cathe step workout out there. All Step can be kind of tricky too. As a general guideline, the older the workout, the less tricky. (The exception is the Basic Step, a recent offering which Cathe made in conjunction with the step company).

Perhaps you might take customer service up on their offer and try something different. Maybe Kick, Punch, Crunch - a favorite kickboxing workout (have you considered kickboxing? If you don't pick up on the combinations, it's much easier to recover and move on); or Cardio and Weights. C&W has short but fun step segments interspersed with upper body weight work.

I learned Cathe step in short bursts, like Cardio and Weights - and I learned Step Blast from the short segments on the TimeSaver DVD. Be patient with yourself! Once you get acclimated to Cathe's cueing, it all comes much easier.

Hmmm, Low Max.... "low" is in regards to impact (no hops or jumps), the choreography is probably something to work up to.

I wish you the best and truly hope you don't become discouraged. I've tried Christi Taylor and several CIA videos, and I always come back to Cathe for step.


My first Cathe video was the Basic Step & Body Fusion. I was sooo nervous the first time because I knew she had a reputation of being very intense and I had very little experience with step up until that point. However, I was very impressed because I immediately felt that she was very non-intimidating and she moves at a slow enough pace so you can catch on fairly easily. I'm glad I started with that one.

I really feel for you on this problem of ordering through Step 'n Motion. I know it's Cathe's company, and she is the greatest - no doubt about that, but the customer service of Step 'n Motion leaves a lot to be desired. I too have had problems with them. I will now only purchase from them on a preorder of new DVD's. Any other Cathe DVD's or videos I will purchase through Collage video. They have fantastic customer service and they ship everything so fast - you'll have it in a couple of days at no extra charge. They've just recently started carrying Cathe merchandise again after a long period of not having it (for whatever reason!). Good luck with you future orders but seriously try Collage. Their website is just Collagevideo.com. Hope this helps.


Thank you for the info on Collagevideo.com . :)

I posted a thread about the "Rhythmic Step" backorders on the other forum, and I am shocked to read that members who ordered this back in March, are STILL waiting for their order! That's insane. I was hoping they just ran out of tapes and dvds fairly recently. But? oh wow!

I don't know what other VHS to exchange Rhythmic Step for though. I don't need any of the weight or circuit training workout tapes, as I've been training with weights for quite a while. What I really needed was just "aerobic" tapes. Are there any non-step aerobic tapes anyone can suggest for me? I think I bought all the VHS step ones offered (aside from the Rhythmic Step, which I now really doubt I would ever be able to master, choreo-wise).

I'm also going to forget about getting the Cardio Hits dvd, too. I just watched a clip of it on Collagevideo.com, and there's no way I could do it. lol Way to many hop-y moves. I got dizzy just viewing the clip. :+

I think I will just order the Basic Step & Body Fusion. I now think I should forget about Low Max, after reading the comment posted here. lol

On a funny note, I tried the Step Heat program today. LOL I must have repeated the "warm up" part about 6 or 7 times! I was completely exhausted just doing that much. I finally tried putting the dvd in slow motion, and then voila! I figured out how to do the hop-y/straddle/box move. Really, it wasn't hard, but I think it was her "verbal cuing" that threw me. I didn't get the "lean in and straddle" part. But once I saw it in slow motion, it all made sense. Then, after several repeat viewings, I made it only half way through the first section step routine part. LOL But all of a sudden, she switched routines without warning, and I just gave up. I was too tired anyway, by then. So, I guess I'll just keep working on mastering the "warm up and 1/2 of the first step routine part", for a few more days. lol I figure I should be able to get through the entire Step Heat program by say? December? (just joking, I think! lol)

Thanks for everyone's input here. It's been of great help to me. I'll keep tugging along, but I sure will feel much better once I get the beginner dvd! ha!

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