very O/T: ? about sex drive


Hi, everyone--

I hope this isn't too personal a topic for this forum. I don't post very often, but I read a lot and everyone seems so helpful to each other. I'm wondering if anyone else experiences sex drive is fine for the first half of my menstrual cycle, but during the second half, it's practically non-existent! I know you're supposed to be most interested in it around ovulation, which I definitely notice, but the last half of my cycle really stinks! It's not like I refuse to have it or anything, but I feel like if I didn't have it, that would be fine! I feel so much better and more "alive" for the first half of my cycle. Has anyone ever tried any herbal supplements or anything like that?
Gee what a question. I do not have the answer but I imagine with enough people close to menopause you'll get more confused than ever when we all chime in! If only mine were as predictable as yours!

And then there are the husbands. Now we can probably agree more about them than we can about ourselves. Interested to see some responses.
I don't have much of a sex drive at all. I may be in the minority here, but I could probably go the rest of my life without it, assuming I had Cathe to fall back on. Without intense exercise in my life though, I might be SOL. Somehow, for me, it seems to be a replacement alot of times.....can anyone relate to this????

I too have a problem with lack of sex drive. I have had the problem now since I've been in my forties. Mine is most of the time though, if not all the time. I saw an Oprah Winfrey show that said it is an epidemic now, but no one knew why. I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out.
I have the same "symptoms" you described, mariep. But I don't have any answers either. I'm interested in what other people have to say. I'm 38 (almost 39), I don't think it's menopause yet.

I'm 24 and my sex drive have decreased a lot since I had my children. For almost a year I've been taking medications that had probably contributed to the problem, as a side effect.
I'm 51 and heading down the fast track to menopause. I have noticed this same thing happening to me gradually over the last ten years or so. I have always attributed it to pre-menopause, but it has never really bothered me much. Sorry, no answers here for you either. I think a lot of things can affect libido on any given day.
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
I'll be forty 12/18. In the past, I have used a testosterone cream applied to the skin to help and it did. Unfortunately, it proved to be hard to get and I quit using it. Since I am perimenopausal, I did some research. Women in our society can be very estrogen dominant due to hormones added to foods and even pesticides and food additives can have an estrogenic effect. They are called xenoestrogens. When estrogen is dominant, it can affect libido. Since I am pushing forty, there may be times when I do not produce an egg during the ovulation phase of my cycle. I still have a menstrual cycle but the lack of the egg causes progesterone to be low and that too can affect libido. I have started using progesterone cream on days 14-26 of my cycle to increase progesterone levels. (The first day of my period is day 1) Have your doctor check your hormone levels and go from there. There is absolutey no reason that we women shouldn't enjoy a healthy active sex life! Chick's Rule! B bbi
Mine went thru the roof after age 30 (I am 35). I wish DH's was as high as mine

Jill, Video Hoochie Mama and Vegas Fanatic!
Thanks, everyone, for all the responses. It's so nice to know I'm not alone! Vegasbride, sometimes I feel like you...there are times in my cycle when it's absolutely through the roof, as you describe, and I love it! I just wish it would last through my whole cycle. When I'm feeling like that, I imagine that's how men feel all the time (I know my DH does!). It's a great feeling, and I just wish I could hang on to it all the time. I know that's probably too much to ask, but I also think that it's probably how men feel most of the time, and it makes me jealous! It seems we women have so much more to deal with hormonally than men do! By the way, I'm 38 years old. I had asked my dr. about it, because I was afraid it must have something to approaching menopause, which I hope is still a ways off for me. I don't have any children, so I can't blame that. Like I said, maybe I'm asking too much, but I really wish there was a way I could hang on to that feeling. It seems like once I've ovulated, it's like a switch goes off, and the drive is practically gone. Thanks again for all the responses.
Hi, Hollie. I'd love to hear from you. I'm pretty new to posting here; do I need to send you my email address or something?
If you are taking the pill or using any other hormone-based birth control, it could have an adverse affect on your sex drive. I recall reading a post a few months ago about someone going off the pill and turning into a lusty, wanton lass! I would LOVE to go off the pill and become wanton & lusty, but I've gotten quite used to not having PMS or a period thanks to Mircette, the wonder BCP. In addition, I do not want to risk getting pregnant, especially since I'm two months shy of turning 40.
I definitely think exercise can be a way to sublimate the sex drive. I'm don't have much of a sex drive at all, but I think some of the need for physical sensation and all-over-the-body good feelings is taken care of by exercise and other physical activity. Of course, if there were someone around I were interested in, I might find some other ways to satisfy that need!
I'm in that twenty-something category with the no sex's very very depressing - I've gone to my ob/gyn, a therapist, couple solution. I went off the pill thinking that would help, no luck. sigh. I tried Viagra - very annoying - all these florescent lights and no help at all. My hormones used to be totally crazy when I was in my late teens....things went downhill at age 20, I believe. Nice to know I'm not the only one!!
I know that being male I do not have alot of the issues as far as hormones like women do but I definitely find exercising gets me very "horny" so to speak. My drive is very high anyway but exercising relaxes me and maybe thats the key. Plus there's something primal and sexy about working up a good sweat. Now if I could only get my wife as interested as I am. She apparently has zero drive and her energy level is nowhere near mine. And quite frankly rather than hear "not tonight" for the eight millionth time in a row I just go without or blow off the energy myself or in some other way. How exciting! lol!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
GO 24!!

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