Very nervous about this pregnancy


After the initial elation finding out about being pregnant last week, I am now becoming so paranoid about every single twinge! I haven’t really worked out at all since I found out last week as I’m convinced that intense workouts can cause miscarriage, no matter what anyone says to the contrary. DH and I want this baby so much and I am petrified of losing it. My first antenatal appointment in 3 weeks’ time seems like an eternity right now and I have so many questions to ask my doctor NOW, like why do I still keep getting what feels like a cross between ovulatory pain and PMS? I have had no spotting whatsoever so suppose that’s a good sign. There’s no history of miscarriage in my family. Yet I am so so afraid.

The other thing is I’m now beginning to wonder if I’ve told too many people about this pregnancy (just close family/ extremely close friends but still) and that this will jinx the pregnancy somehow. My mum has said not to tell anyone at all but it’s so hard to keep this news in ! Mum has also said not to do any exercise - and she’s a doctor herself! I simply don’t know what to think.

Does anyone have any advice? Are my fears irrational? If this carries on much longer I’ll become a nervous wreck! How did all you wise ladies cope with this nervousness? I’m extremely tired today from the worry of it all and know that can’t be healthy.

Your thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated.

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik
Hi Fitnik,
I hope that you will begin to relax and feel better soon. I was quite nervous when I first found out that I was pregnant (almost 6 1/2 years ago). Excited and happy, but nervous. I certainly do not believe that you could have jinxed yourself by telling everyone, but then I don't believe in jinx period. It's only natural for you to want to tell everyone the happy news. Take a warm bubble bath and listen to some calming music. Maybe now is a good time to try a yoga video for relaxation. I will leave the intense exercise concern you have for one of the experts like Sheila. Hope you feel relaxed soon!
Hi Fitnik!

Agreeing with Lisa~just take time to relax. Your thoughts and fears are normal. I'm sure everything will be just fine. Take some time off from exercise if it worries you too much. 2-3 weeks off til you talk to your Dr. won't hurt you. Just wanted you to know I am thinking and praying for a healthy pregnancy for you. Keep us posted!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi, I had the EXACT same feelings with my first. I felt like I was about to get my period, that dull, crampy feeling. To top it all off, I had no morning sickness only sore breasts, which of course could be a sign of a period about to start. I was so worried! Now, I read that is all so very normal, especaily with #1, as your uterus is expanding and doing all kinds of things it has never done before. I know how anxious you must feel, but believe me, it is normal and that feeling does go away, until you start labor, something to look forward to! If you haven't already, check out, it is a great site that can answer alot of questions about what you are feeling physically and mentally.
Enjoy this, it really does go by sooo fast! I remember my first pregnancy like it was yesterday and she just turned 8!
My experience has been exactly like yours and Bridge's. Those twingy feelings are very common. Try to relax. The appointment will come before you know it!
Hi Fitnik,
I definitely don't think your fears are irrational - I think it's absolutely normal to worry about the pregnancy. At least I hope it is because I always worried a lot with my first two pregnancies!! It is really an awesome responsibility to be carrying a new life.
Telling people that you are pregnant in the first trimester is a very personal decision. We always did, but mainly because I was so sick with morning sickness that it was kind of hard to hide! Telling people definitely won't jinx anything and, if something should happen, you'll have the support of those closest to you to help you get through your grief.
Hopefully, the next three weeks will go quickly for you and your doctor's visit will give you some peace of mind!!
Take care!
Hi Fitnik! Your feelings are so normal. We all have them. Worrying will only upset you more. Do your best to relax and discontinue doing anything that will cause you emotional upset until you see your caregiver. Take care and keep us posted!
Oh, Fitnik, I doubt there is a woman alive who hasn't had the exact same worries as you after finding out she was pregnant. I know that I did with both my pregnancies. In fact, it was even worse in my second pregnancy because it was not completely planned and I just could not believe (for several weeks) that I was actually pregnant! I sometimes wonder if this is just the universe's way of preparing us for all the other worries that we're going to have once the baby is outside our bodies!! :) So your fears maybe somewhat irrational (although not totally -- there's plenty of reason to be concerned about the viability of a very early pregnancy even if you have no history of miscarriage) they are perfectly normal and will probably ease somewhat once you hear that little heart beating (at about 10-12 weeks, if I remember correctly).

As for telling people, that's strictly a matter of personal preference. Your mum probably has told you not to say anything because she is being protective of you (which you'll soon get to experience first hand). Look at it this way -- if you've only told family and close friends, aren't these the same people you'd turn to if, heaven forbid, you were to miscarry? Then why deprive them (and yourself) of the joy of your news?

As for exercising, I would refer you to Dr. Clapp's book, which Sheila has just posted is available from the new publisher. It explains quite clearly that mild to moderate exercise during pregnancy actually has a slightly protective effect on the pregnancy and decreases the risk of miscarriage. Perhaps a nice walk or other gentle workout would be just the ticket to release some of your nervous energy right now.

Take care and keep us posted!

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