

Does anyone here suffer from this. My 12 year old DD is going through her 2nd bout of this in the past month. The 1st episode lastest about 5 days. She is going on 5 days now with this one. Dr. put her on bonine today.

She has been to the pediatrician, ent and am waiting for an appointment with a neurologist. She did have this once before about 2 years ago again for about a week and it went away.

Any thoughts and advice are welcome.

Not to alarm you but I would advise getting an MRI of the brain if you haven't already (I'm sure the neurologist will schedule this). My father had what was diagnosed as vertigo. We went a whole month of him doing the prescribed exercises to realign the crystals of his inner ear. I just remember him gagging and throwing up and lying in bed because if he sat up he got so dizzy and sick. Well finally after a month my mom and I talked him into going to get an MRI (when it came to health he was stubborn). Well it turned out he had a tumor on his cerebellum and had to go into surgery. I hope your daughter gets better soon. I don't want to upset you but I just wanted to share my experience.
So sorry DD is going through this. It could really be caused by so many things. I work in a pediatric hosptial and see everything. The best advice I can give is listen to your gut instinct. If you don't feel like the doctors are listening to you or you feel like something is missing (tests, etc), ask for second opinons and request tests until you feel satisfied with her care. Hopefully she doesn't need a brain MRI--they are no fun :(
I have had positional vertigo for as long as I can remember. It's a PITA but isn't something that plagues me for days on end non-stop. I feel for your DD. I know how I feel when I have an "attack" so I can only imagine how she must feel. :( I hope the med works for her atleast in the short term until something more long term can possibly be figured out!
My 15 yr daughter suffers from this also, as do I. I can't seem to pinpoint what triggers these attacks, but they come every so often, last about 3-5 days, and then go away. They are a big pain in the arse, but don't seem to be harmful in any way. My mother suffers from menniers (sp?) and has attacks so badly that they debilitate her for a couple of days, and then they subside also. Sorry, I don't think my post helped in any way....just wanted to commiserate.
Thanks all. She had this once before 2 years ago - funny same exact time of year. It lasted about a week but was much worse with vomitting and dehydration. We did the mri and eng test last time around. But as this is her second round in just about a month, the doctor does want me to follow up with the neurologist. She seems to be doing better and will hopefully go to school tomorrow.

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