Verrrry sore - should I workout today?


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I did my first w/o in a year on Saturday. I am SOOOOO sore. I can hardly even walk! Every part of my body hurts. Not in a injured way - but in a way that I know my muscles were worked! My question is - should I workout today, or just go walking later.

I agree with Charlotte - I always find that if I'm very sore from a workout, Stretch Max helps to loosen up the muscles and I feel TONS better.

I am going to go against the popular vote here. I would do a very light cardio workout, only about 20 minutes, to help move the lactic acid out and bring oxygen to your muscles so the soreness goes away faster. Then I would do great long and slow stretches.

Hope you feel better!
Actually, sometimes a bit of movement can help ease the discomfort of DOMS. So I suggest a casual walk, followed by stretch max (which needs a warm-up anyway) or another stretch workout.

Some Epsom salts in your bath can help relieve that muscle soreness as well.
I agree with Kathryn and the others. A nice walk will help loosen you up, and then STRETCH. Nothing else.
i always find that a workout helps take some of the soreness away. do you do any yoga? it is a good way to keep moving but without much strain.

"time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by an earthly force." Dorothy Sayers.
Listen to your's trying to tell you something. If you feel that you must do something rather than nothing (and I can relate to that feeling), do some Stretchmax or go for a moderate intensity walk or bike ride. Moving is always better than not moving and will help to resolve your soreness as long as it's low intensity enough not to cause more soreness.


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