veggie smoothies

Tricia Haley

Hi, all! I hope everyone is enjoying there holiday season. I was just trying to find some veggie smoothie (good tasting of course) recipies. I have fruit smoothie recipe that my kids and i love and we have it quite often, so we have no problem getting our fruits in. But i would really like to find a veggie drink that is good and get my veggies in. I don't like V-8 juice but i do like carrots. So if anyone out there has a good tasting and EASY recipe to try please let me know. P.S. I do not have a juicer but i do have a blender and a food processor. Thanks Tricia:)
Hi Tricia,

I don't have any recipes but I've seen where people put vegetables into their fruit smoothies. I'm told that you can't even taste them. For me that's a plus cause I need more veggies.

Hope you get other suggestions,
>Hi, all! I hope everyone is enjoying there holiday season.
>I was just trying to find some veggie smoothie (good tasting
>of course) recipies. I have fruit smoothie recipe that my
>kids and i love and we have it quite often, so we have no
>problem getting our fruits in. But i would really like to
>find a veggie drink that is good and get my veggies in. I
>don't like V-8 juice but i do like carrots. So if anyone out
>there has a good tasting and EASY recipe to try please let me
>know. P.S. I do not have a juicer but i do have a blender
>and a food processor. Thanks Tricia:)


While I don't have any veggie recipies to share I would love to know what smoothies you and you kids enjoy. I am hoping that santa was good to me this year and got me blender(among the other thing I had on my list)and I would love to make smoothies for the family with it.TIA
Unless you have a juicer or a Vitamix, it's pretty difficult to make veggie drinks, because many veggies--with the exception of tomatoes without the skin, which are actually botanically fruits-- don't turn out well when you try to use a blender on them. Carrots, in particular, do not liquify well (though you may have a blender or food processor that is powerful enough to break them down enough to make them acceptable).

I like a combo of carrot, pineapple and winesap apple.
Carrot, celery, apple is also good.
Carrot, beet (a little) garlic is good, if you like garlic!
Carrot can be used with almost any veggie/fruit, and apples can be used with almost any veggie to make the drink sweeter.
Hi, here is my fruit smoothie recipe.

1) 1 banana in blender -the riper the better
2) 5 frozen strawberrys
3) 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (i've also used 1/4 cup doesn't change taste.)
4) 1 Tablespoon dry oatmeal -(optional)it just thickens it up a bit
5) 1 pkt splenda
6) 1 Tablespoon strawberry protien powder-(optional(i use myoplex lite)GNC or any health food store should have it. vanilla would work to.)
7) 1 cup water, (if for me) or 1 cup skim milk, for my girls
8) Blend till smooth

My girls are 10 and 8. I can easily divide this up between the 2 of them. But my 10 year old has no problem sucking it down if she is really hungry.
Parsnip is very good in smoothies, it is really sweet, plus very good for your hair and skin. It is hard to blend though, my vitamix needs all its power to blend it. After a lot of "hit or miss" I found that I have to use at least one apple in every drink to make it tasting good.

"natural" taste protein powder

small beet
protein powder

You can also use kale or any other green or red leafy veggies but moderation, because they are not so great tasting in smoothies.

Good luck, Mari

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