After reading Eat to Live and Skinny Bitch, I'm seriously contemplating the vegetarian if not vegan, way of life. My kids are already vegetarian/vegan (one of each) for their own personal reasons. Obviously I'm not opposed to it for health reasons. But I've always been of the opinion that for a msucle growth, weight loss etc, the typical "fitness" diet of protein/carbs at every meal is the way to go. Despite what every one says about being able to get your protein from plant/soy products I'm only convinced you can do that at the cost of calorie control. Yes, you can get protein from say, peanut butter, but the amount you would have to eat would make my calories skyrocket. So if I ate this way my protein per day would fall from around 100 g to 30-50 g by my calculations. I'm not trying to be a fitness competitor or anything but I am trying to lose 20ish lbs and I'd like to have a decent amount of muscle as well.
Can anyone with experience in this WOE let me know what kind of results they've had in this department? Also, maybe a little bit about what a daily menu looks like? TIA!
Can anyone with experience in this WOE let me know what kind of results they've had in this department? Also, maybe a little bit about what a daily menu looks like? TIA!