Here is how I am taking control of meeting my nutritional needs. Maybe many of you have already been eating well, but my diet has been lacking in vegetables and calcium. Thanks goodness my protein powder was supplemented heavily!
From "What to Expect When you are Expecting", I found a list of 7 food groups you should each day. It included (1)protein, (2)calcium, (3)vit.c, (4)green leafy & yellow fruits and vegetables, (5)other fruits and vegetables, (6)carbs, and (7)iron. It listed foods that fall into each group and how much of that food is a serving. It also tells how many servings a day you need from each group. And I too was surprised how small a serving is!
From that entire list, I chose those that I am likely to eat or at least try. I figured out stuff like 8 oz. of milk = 1 cup and that it takes 2 slices of my fat free cheese to be one serving. Then I laid it an excel page with the foods down the left and the days of the week across the top. I will put it on my fridge and count off what I eat. This way I can also see visually where I am falling short each day /week and in which category. Also, over time I will be able to see if I just keep eating the same things and need to choose some others for variety.
I suspect that for a while I am going to find myself just eating a bowl of broccoli by itslef until I can figure out how to put all of this together into a meal.