Vegan Sources of Protein

>Somebody mentioned brewer's yeast, which I've never tried,
>but I recently tried nutritional yeast and really liked it. It
>has a slightly cheesy/nutty flavor.

I think maybe the person who said brewer's yeast meant nutritional yeast? Brewer's yeast is a by-product of the brewing industry, and tastes a bit bitter (and it bronwnish in color). Nutritional yeast is that pretty yellow colored, cheesy/nutty stuff. I used to eat it all the time on popcorn (spray or sprinkle with a bit of tamari/soy sauce, then sprinkle on the yeast--yum! My cats love it, too!). Strangely enough, it also tastes good in orange juice. Somehow, the yeast seems to neutralize the acid taste of the o.j., and the o.j. mellows out the cheesy taste of the yeast.

But watch out! If you're not used to it, or eat too much of it, it can cause some really deadly gas!

I was once at the house of a friend whose cat ate nutritional yeast. The cat was sitting on my lap, and I was petting him, when he let loose with the most noxious/toxic silent-but-deadly farts I've ever smelled. Yikes! (And I swear he tried to look innocent and blame it on me!).

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