Varying Cardio



I'm moving this question from Ask Cathe to this forum. Could someone please advise me? Please? My new plan is to do step twice a week -- it's my favorite and kickboxing and running two times a week. I would like to inlude some intervals -- the imaxes -- and some circuit training. (Along with my other strength training.) Would this be too much step? The idea of overdeveloped quads scares me. Thank you . . .
Stepping is my favorite thing for cardio (besides running) and I have to stop myself from doing it all the time. Based on what you said and to accommodate what you want, I would mix it up something like this:

1. An Imax (right now it's Imax 3)
2. Kickbox & Legs
3. 30 min Run + weights
4. Rest or Stretch Day
5. Step
6. Circuit
7. 45 min Run

Just a suggestion.

I have never gotten over-developed quads and I have been stepping regularly for years. It probably only happens to those who are already genetically pre-disposed to large quad growth.

If you are also incorporating running into your program I wouldn't worry, running keeps you lean.


I think doing step 2x/week should be fine. Esp. if you are incorporating kickboxing and running into your workout.

Doing all of the various cardio workouts will give your body a nice balance and work different parts of the leg so nothing will get over developed.

Are you having problems w/ your quads overdeveloping right now? If so, what are you currently doing now and what type of weight training program are you doing?

Take care, Lynn M.
Another suggestion besides running is mix up your 'outdoor' cardio. When the weather is warmer here I love to go to the local college football field and I'll run up/down the stairs for 4 minutes, jump rope for 3 min., and repeat this pattern 5 times and then finish with a hard run lap around the field. And if you can still take some more when you finish that run then do your 400 walking lunges and call that a darn good workout for the morning.

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