Using PS Series on consecutive days


Cathe or anyone else -

Is there any reason why the three PS videos should not be used one three consecutive days? Since they work different muscle groups, I think it would be okay, but most rotations I've seen Cathe suggest indicate a day off inbetween the tapes. Can I do BBA on Monday, Legs on Tuesday, and Chest & Triceps on Wednesday?

Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice! I've only had these tapes for about two weeks and I'm wondering how to use them most effectively. Thanks!
Hi Anna!

I believe that you CAN use the PS series on consecutive days because you are using different muscle groups. If I am not mistaken, I know that some of the gals even do the tapes 2x/week. Someone jump in and correct me if I am wrong. I know if you do a total body workout that you need to leave a day (or 2) in-between for repair.
How I Do It

When I do a PS rotation, I do BBA on Tuesday, SLA on Wednesday and CST on Thursday. That way I'm not working my upper body two days in a row (as Cathe says, you do work your triceps a bit while working your biceps, etc.). That also gives me a full rest day after working lower body before I do a cardio workout on Friday. This rotation still lets all my muscles rest before working them again.
Consecutive days are fine

I think it's okay to do the series on consecutive days, Anna. I did the tapes this way for a long time.

You didn't ask me, (and probably don't wish to know) but I feel COMPELLED to volunteer the information that I found I was able to lift with better form and go a little heavier when I started putting an all cardio day in-between the PS days. I didn't feel as fatigued, either mentally or physically. Then I usually schedule a total rest day after PS Strong Legs and Abs. This had me cycling through each tape once per week and I am pretty enthusiastic about the results.

Of course, I'm on the "lazy" side when it comes to strength training. If I can get better results with less time and feel better doing it, I'll take that door every time.

Best of luck with PS. Gotta love those sit-and-stands.

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