Using Dumbells in place of Barbell

I don't have a rack for my barbell so when I do my chest presses the weight I'm required to use is heavier then I can hike into position safely. When I substitute with dumbells how do I figure the amount of weight to use? When I figured my one rep max with the barbell I didn't include the weight of the bar which is 15lbs with no plates on it. Would I take the amount of weight I'm suppose to use and Each dumbell would be 1/2 of that, 1/2 of that plus 1/2 the weight of the bar, or the full amount of weight in each dumbell?
Right -- just add the weight of the barbell in for a total barbell weight, and divide in half for dumb bells.

Just a thought: you might consider re-doing your one rep max test with dumbells, since that's what you're planning to use. At least for me, I don't usually find I'm able to go as heavy with db's in the chest press as I would with a bar. They call on more stabilizers and balance issues. I think there are +++ to using db's: the extra stabilizer work is a good thing, they can call strength imbalances to attention (and help even them out) and of course, they're safer if you don't have a spotter. Maybe you won't find this to be true for you (needing to decrease poundage a bit), but if you do, don't worry. I don't think it's a decrease in effectiveness of the exercise. I don't think our muscles care about the numbers on weight plates or dumbells ... they just know if they're working hard.

HTH, Lori
Thanks for that explanation, Lori. I read about the average woman being able to bench 64# and I've been lifting with Cathe for 6 years and the most I've used for a bench press is 30# dbs-during STS and SH. I wonder if I did bb bench presses if I could up the weight? I'll need to get DH to spot me and see:)
Klaudia ~ So glad my post was helpful! ... Although to give credit where it's due, I'm sure I originally heard Cathe herself say something about it and then I just did some follow-up reading and experimenting for myself. I've found it to be true (the need for different poundage between db's vs barbell) in many (most?) exercises where the two are interchangeable. Sometimes though, the adjustment is a very slight one.

You should get your DH to spot you ... bet you'd be pleasantly surprised!!!

Take care, Lori
Thanks for that explanation, Lori. I read about the average woman being able to bench 64# and I've been lifting with Cathe for 6 years and the most I've used for a bench press is 30# dbs-during STS and SH. I wonder if I did bb bench presses if I could up the weight? I'll need to get DH to spot me and see:)

I would think most definitely yes, with my trainer, I could bench upwards of 90 bb pounds, but no way in the world could I have done that with 2-45 pound dumbbells.
Hey thanks, I'll redo my 1RM with dumbells as you suggested. I didn't even think about being able to lift more or less depending on the type of weight but that makes scence. Thats one thing I wish Cathe would add to her STS 1RM calculator is the option to choose dumbells or barbells before testing.

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