using circuit workouts


Hi:7 , How do all of you use circuit workouts in your normal routine? I am used to just doing cardio with my weight days. I am so excited to get the new dvd's and the new circuits look terrific! Thanks for any advice!
I just finished one of Cathe's older circuit rotations, which basically alternated cardio with circuit workouts, with an occasional weights-only workout here and there. I found it to be really effective for losing weight and getting over a plateau. I recommend checking out Cathe's rotations -- several of them focus on circuit training, and that might give you some ideas for how to incorporate them into your routine.
I work out 5 days a week and make sure one of them is a circuit. I've found any kind of workout that provides a "shock" to my system, either through circuits or high intensity intervals, has really helped my overall fitness.
I vary my rotations from alternating weight and cardio days to alternating circuits and cardio. The circuit/cardio rotation is more of a fat-loss/toning rotation, while the weights/cardio rotation is more for strength and building.
I am currently doing a rotation that alternates 3 days of circuit, cardio, total body strength training then a day of rest then another three days and so on. I am on my second week and it has really shocked by body and I am seeing great results. I always make sure that there is a cardio in between the circuit and strenght so that I'm not overworking the muscles.

I was a little overwhelmed with making rotations because I have so many of Cathe's workouts that I felt like I wasn't using them. I ended up separating all of them into the three categories, ciruit/cardio/total strength and now I just pick whatever workout I want to do on that given day. I can't wait to be able to add the new workouts to my list!!!

Good luck!

Thank you all so much for the great information and ideas! I will put them to good use! Have a great weekend all!
Could you please post your rotation. Currently I'm doing
2 days HSTA
1 day MuscleMax
3 days kickiboxing
My rotation looks like this:
Sun. Kickboxing
Tue. Kickboxing
Wed. Muscle Max
Thr. Kickboxing
I was going to do 3 days HSTA but I don't think my bod can take it.
Sorry this took so long for me to post my circuit rotation, shoeprincess!

What I've been doing for the past few weeks is this:

Total Body
Total Body
Rest or a cardio workout; then I start the whole thing over again. I usually pick and choose different workouts depending on what mood I'm in on any given day, but for example, the last week has looked like this:

Boot Camp
SJP (did lunges & shoulders 2x)
Legs & Glutes and PUB upward premix

And I'm planning on this starting tomorrow:

LowMax or Imax2
Body Max

Hope this is helpful.

This looks like a great rotation, but I'd personally swap out one of the kickboxing days for yoga (yoga doesn't count as your rest day, unless you are doing a super easy relaxing one - I'm talking a challenging yoga workout here). Flexibility training is the only glaring hole that I see.

Also, for variety, every 2 weeks you could swap in different workouts. So do KickMax for 2 weeks, then use KPC for two weeks, etc., in your kickboxing slot, use Body Max in place of HSTA, MIS or Power Hour in place of Muscle Max..... Keep mixing it up so you don't adjust to the workouts.


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