Used DVDs from


Hi, you wonderful consumer protectors!

I've seen many posts here helping people guard against getting stiffed on E-Bay, but what about

I am in the market to get the DVD of Disney's original "Fantasia", and it is out of print from Disney. I did a Google search and popped up; I then checked the offerings and it appears there are many opportunities to buy it either used or new. The sellers seem to have the same or similar rating system that E-Bay has.

Can anyone offer any advice about what to look for when purchasing from individual sellers on I really want this DVD but I don't want to get scammed or phished or whatever the h*ll they are doing with online purchasing of this kind.



It's always a risk you take. Luckily it's possible to see what kind of rating they have. I never go any lower than 98% and never been shafted with those kind of ratings.

I love Fantasia, so did my children.

Good luck,



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I have never had a bad experience buys a DVD from amazon. And I ALWAYS buy them used. I pretty much have bought all my workout DVDs on there. I look for the seller with the highest rating and for the condition of the DVD to at least be "used- like new".

I agree with both above posters. I use the amazon sellers a lot, though usually for books. None have let me down. I always look for high rating, and the best possible condition for the price I am prepared to pay. There can be significant variation, i.e., sometimes people with items described as "condition: good" demand more than those selling nearly new or like new items.

There is not the same risk involved with the Amazon sellers as there is on ebay, and Amazon guarantees your satisfaction, ebay doesn't. You can get screwed by a seller on ebay, as I have, and if the item didn't cost over $25, no-one bothers to help you get your money back, not really.

I use Amazon re-sellers all the time and never had a problem with anything. (I sell my old stuff on there too) I bought all the Billy Blanks Lives and Totals that way and got some great deals! I look at the ratings, # of sales and how close they live to where I am (for shipping). I never do ebay anymore, too much risk/time involved for my taste.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
i look for highest ratings but i also read the ratings. if a person has some negative/neutral reviews i like to to read why. most of the times its just one of those "you can't please everybody" deals. plus if there is an issue amazon is usually helpful in getting money back.

once i ordered the lotte berk box set but the guy cancelled without telling me(i read it on my account tracking since i haven't heard anything) so i emailed amazon b/c it has been over 3 weeks and still haven't gotten my money back. my money was returned so quickly it was almost like a conicidence but i got an email saying they pretty much fixed it. i have never had much issue with ordering since then since i stick with familiar names too.


View the ratings and read the comments. I bought my friend,Michele, Basic Step from Amazon cause it didn't double with Body Fusion. She had to view it for me and tell me the condition it was in so I could rate the seller. It turned out good.

For my home, I used Ebay to buy all vintage lamps for it. It worked out quite well for me and the sellers.
I also haven't had any issues with Amazon and I've bought some high ticket items there (my iMac!). And I've ordered COUNTLESS used DVDs there as well. All of them have been legit. I don't always have the luxury of following the highest rated seller (because they don't always ship to APOs...*sigh*), and still I haven't had any issues.

I did have one issue with Ebay (I occasionally still shop there - not often though) and they did refund my $$. For some reason I'm always a bit suspicious of Ebay DVD sellers.

I used to sell my DVDs on eBay but I've since switched to Amazon, mainly because it's easier to list but also because so many people seem wary of buying DVDs on eBay now. I've also had great experiences buying from Amazon sellers so far (and selling things myself).

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
I've purchased from the Lovely Lainie!!!! Excellent service and product, of course!!!

I've gotten used stuff from Amazon. There was one DVD that I received that I question whether it was a dup, but, on the whole, I've had really good experiences.
Thanks to everyone for your comments and advice! I did purchase "Fantasia" this morning, after making sure the seller had at least a 98% approval rating with many people rating him/her/it. (In fact, this seller had a 99% approval rating.)

Thanks again! I just can't wait - "Fantasia" is one of my favorite movies (and no, I never watched it stoned!)!


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