07-30-2010 08:39 AMkarenolson
Ok guys I have another questions. I do like the idea of Cathe's monthly rotations although I do not possess all the DVDs that are listed for rotation yet, but I will soon!! I was looking at doing an upper/lower body split for the month of August. I love Butts & Gutts and Legs & Glutes for the lower rotation, and the upper one for pyramids, rocks, but I need another upper for rotation here is what is in my Cathe possession at the present time.
Slow & Heavy Series was going to do 3 day split in Oct.
Gym Styles all was going to do 3 dayl split in Sept
Butts & Guts
Super Sets/ Push pull
Muscle Max
Muscle Endurance ( download from site)
Drill Max
Circuit Blast
Kick Punch & Crunch/Legs & Glutes
Core Max
STS abs
I also will incorporate cardio 4-5 times week along with up/lo body split
Now if anyone can help me with a rotation with these I would greatly appreciate it, since I am new to Cathe.
Ok guys I have another questions. I do like the idea of Cathe's monthly rotations although I do not possess all the DVDs that are listed for rotation yet, but I will soon!! I was looking at doing an upper/lower body split for the month of August. I love Butts & Gutts and Legs & Glutes for the lower rotation, and the upper one for pyramids, rocks, but I need another upper for rotation here is what is in my Cathe possession at the present time.
Slow & Heavy Series was going to do 3 day split in Oct.
Gym Styles all was going to do 3 dayl split in Sept
Butts & Guts
Super Sets/ Push pull
Muscle Max
Muscle Endurance ( download from site)
Drill Max
Circuit Blast
Kick Punch & Crunch/Legs & Glutes
Core Max
STS abs
I also will incorporate cardio 4-5 times week along with up/lo body split
Now if anyone can help me with a rotation with these I would greatly appreciate it, since I am new to Cathe.