Upper Body Pyramid for the Third Time


I did Upper Body Pyramid for the third time today and the stability ball is getting easier. I actually was feeling it in the abs this time. I had to move everything out of the middle of my room, though, so I could get on the thing. I actually was able to get on it and do the first part where you pull your knees in a bit and it felt great. Well, the second section where you do pikes is another thing. I did try it and did not fall off, but I broke out into a sweat all over. After two tries, I decided to just watch. I'll try more next time. But I'm really excited that I stayed on the ball and actually was able to get into position for the pikes. Man, my heart rate really goes up when I get on that thing.
That's good to hear since I've haven't done PUB since the first time I tried it. I had trouble balancing on the stability ball and then those pikes..OMG. Anyway,it's encouraging to hear that it will get better. Maybe I'll give it another whirl.

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