Upper back/neck aches


Any helpful hints for relieving trap,neck and rhomboid aches. I really have to work on my posture. I've been so sore for over a week.
Not from using too much weight but just from stress and poor posture.
Stretching, stretching and more stretching!! Seriously. And stretching the chest well too will help with the back. The chest will tighten up and cause a pull on the back. We learned on the RT that we need to do more back work than chest work to help with this. I forget how many back exercises to every chest you are supposed to do. Someone else may chime in on that.

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


I would also suggest a simple isometric exercise to strengthen the front of the neck which typically gets weak with poor posture, especially if you tend to have forward head posture.
Sit tall, shoulders down and back, chest open, now relax in the posture. Tuck your chin as if you've just smelled something strong, (or you can think turtle). Place the heel of your hand against your forhead and push against your hand with your head, breathe deeply for 5 deep breaths and relax. Repeat 3-5 times. Do this a few times a day, this simple exercise helps tremedously and will eventually make it easier for your neck to hold your head above the shoulders instead of it poking forward. Good that you are aware of the need to work on your posture, the older we get the more posture matters. HTH

Take Care
Also try relaxing the area by having hot water from a shower beat down on the area, and trying self massage (use the opposite hand to 'knead' the area, or just put right hand on right shoulder, left on left, and knead away. Follow this with a stretch) or have someone else massage the area. (The most effective massages for this area are deep, and they don't necessarily feel good while they are happening, but you'll feel so much better afterwards.)
You might benefit from seeing a chiropractor. I'll admit, I was on the skeptical side about it for a long time, but the positive experiences of some friends convinced me to give it a try. It has helped wonders since a fender bender threw me out of whack in June. She also has me working on my posture and gave me a sort of "sling" contraption that holds your shoulders back. It's something I only wear around the house for short periods of time, but I do think it helps. My posture is worst when I am at the computer.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
I have a bit of a problem in that area too. Stretching helps the most for me. You might also want to consider acquiring a copy of Charlene Prickett's "Critical Strength". The whole workout targets areas which usually never get worked, including this one. It helped me a lot.


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