Updated my picture trail


You do look fabulous in both pictures. I would say that I can see a bit more definition in your abs in the recent picture. I had to switch back and forth a bunch of times looking for a difference in your arms and shoulders. I think you are more cut now but again it took some scrutiny on my part to determine that. Regardless, your hard work definitely shows!:)
Laura .. honey ... you looked great in the before pictures and great in the after pictures .. I am like the others .. how do you improve perfection?????

.. I will say you look thinner in the after .. and I do not think you need to loose any more weight .. too thin is not attractive.

And especially you say you have been stressed and lost 15 pounds in a month .. that is NOT good .. give yourself a much needed break ..

I don't think you will loose any results if you eased up on the cardio ... :)

Congrats girl .. you look wonderful!!


{{ p.s. .. love the tribute to Cosmo .. sniff ...}}
You look awesome in both pics, but I think that you are more defined in your abs and arms in your after pic.

Honestly, I don't know how you could look much better. You go, girl!


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