Update on Experience w/ a Nutritionist (Attn: nancy324)

RE: Alison and KathyH


Wanted to let you know that I tried Kashi "Good Friends" and LOVE it. Thanks for the recommendation! I think I like it even better than the Kashi "Go Lean" that I had been eating, so thanks again!
RE: Update on Experience w/ a Nutritionist (Attn: nancy...

Hi, Did your nutritionist suggest any other supplements or multi-vitamins?
RE: Update on Experience w/ a Nutritionist (Attn: nancy...

Yes, very helpful! Thank you for outlining your diet in such detail. My routine is similar to what you have described, and I really enjoy it, feeling completely content with the types and quantities of food it calls for.

Thanks again for sharing!
RE: Update on Experience w/ a Nutritionist (Attn: nancy...

Oh, and Nancy, what about Coral Calcium (refer to the post where I asked about skim milk vs. soy milk)? Did your nutritionist mention Coral Calcium, and if so, why did she feel the GNC Calcium supplement was superior? If she didn't mention it, I would be interested to hear what she says about it in your follow-up appointment, so maybe you can pose the question at that time.

Anyway, just curious to hear what your thoughts were on that.
RE: Update on Experience w/ a Nutritionist (Attn: nancy...

No other vitamin or mineral supplements were suggested to me, except that when I told her I was taking EFA supplements she seemed very approving. I guess she wants me to get most of my nutrients from food.
RE: Alison and KathyH


Good Friends is so good, it's sometimes hard to believe it's low GI. I find it kind of addicting.

I have an appointment to see my nutritionist again on Tuesday. This weekend, I need to write down all the questions I might have. The main reason I want to see her is to discuss my 4:00 p.m. cravings and what to do about them.

Also, since my ice cream consumption has not abated any, I need to find out if there is something I can do for my late night ice cream binges. I don't expect to find a solution for this by consulting a nutritionist. I think the late night eating is emotional, and I doubt there is a diet that can help with those kinds of cravings.

In addition, I have not been able to give up popcorn. I simply cannot enjoy a rental movie without my lowfat popcorn. I'm hoping she will just work around this, since I only watch movies once or twice a week.

If I really did follow the diet the way it's written, no doubt I would be lean as could be by now. Instead, I've gained a few pounds and can't wear many of my clothes anymore. :-(

So you see, I have lots of problems! On the other hand, however, I have had so many positive changes in my life, they outweigh the bad.

Just being forced to slow down and go out and get a REAL lunch has made me realize what I've been missing in life.

I used to order several cartons of nutrition bars and keep my desk at work stock-piled so that I could eat lunch in less than 5 minutes! My whole life was geared towards being stream-lined so that I could focus on work. Yet, I could never understand why my work was never satisfying enough!! I never considered having children because I was focused on trying to make it in a man's world, and figured not having children would give me an edge!! I don't think I even knew I was thinking this way. Looking back, I can see that life was just passing me by, and I wasn't really living at all.

For me, changing my eating is part of a much bigger sea change in my way of looking at life. I am so lucky to have had my step son come into my life, even if he is an adult. My life is so much richer now, and I care more about my family than I do about my work.

I'm not even sure I want to fit into my little gray tailored suits anymore. I must have 20 of them, and hardly any fit. But I've been buying these wonderful Eileen Fisher outfits with lots of flowing fabric and elastic waistbands and I take up more space now.

I think deep down I was always afraid of taking up space because I didn't think I was worthy. But I'm starting to take up space, and assert myself more. Taking a whole 40 minutes for lunch to eat my big spinach salad is part and parcel of all this. Don't know why it took me 47 years to realize that I have a right to be here, but better late than never. Although I haven't been anorexic in three decades, I don't think I ever gave up my anorexic way of viewing life!!

So, you see, there's a lot more going on here than just nutrition.

I'll ask about the coral calcium. Got any other suggestions for questions for the nutritionist? I'm really excited about seeing her again!

RE: Alison and KathyH


Thank you for sharing more about your situation. So very honest, and so very real. It sounds like you've really a made a commitment to not only changing the way you eat but also they way you think about eating/weight/body image, and more importantly, about life. And you're absolutely right when you say it's "better late than never". You sound rejuvenated.

It also sounds like your life is less consumed by food and more consumed by family and an overall interest in being healthy and happy rather than being "perfect", in whatever way you define it.

Again, good for you. It takes a lot of courage to look inside and make a commitment such as the one you have to change not only your daily habits but also your overall outlook on life.

As for questions I would be interested in you asking the nutritionsit, I would definitely say that Coral Calcium question (coral calcium vs. the GNC calcium supplement she recommended to you initially). I would also be interested in hearing her take on soy milk and the benefits, if any, of soy milk over skim milk. Oh, and if you could ask her if she has any recommendations for books, either cookbooks or general information books on nutrition, I would be really interested to hear what she has to say about that.

Hmmm...that's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure you have lots of your own that I would be interested in hearing the answers to, so if you get a chance, please do come back after the appointment and share with us how things went.

Thanks again for the Kashi "Good Friends" recommendation! Love it!

Good luck in your appointment!

Look forward to hearing from you afterwards :)
RE: Alison and KathyH


I wanted to ask about a cookbook, but forgot. Thanks for reminding me! I'll be back to report after my appointment tomorrow.

And thank you so much for responding to my post. It was very close to my heart!
Cottage Cheese

THANK YOU for the cottage cheese links and recommendations. I made the shanny cakes (from VF) this morning. Yum. I just had applesauce, cc, and cinnamon. Yum. Wow!:9

RE: Cottage Cheese

Oh good! I'm SO pleased to hear that you have found some of the suggestions helpful Andrea! I have yet to try making those shanny cakes but plan on giving it a try any day now! Have any suggestions for someone who is about to embark on this recipe? Did you follow it precisely or make up a slight variation of your own?
RE: Alison and KathyH


I'm glad I was able to remind you to ask that cookbook question :) and especially glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is interested to hear the answer to it.

Oh, and with regards to my responding to your post, don't mention it. It was my pleasure.

Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow! Good luck in your visit!
RE: Cottage Cheese

I followed it to a "T". The first two were real thin, so maybe let the batter sit a minute or two before cooking. I topped mine with Apricot Sauce, but they were pretty tasty plain too.

:9 Just finished my bowl of oatmeal with cc in it!

RE: Cottage Cheese

Great! Thanks for the tips Andrea. I'll give it a try today or tomorrow :)

Glad to hear you're getting use out of the oatmeal with cc suggestion. I eat it like that practically every morning. So happy to have found a way to incorporate more protein in my breakfast!

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