Unilateral glute soreness after lunges

Dear Cathe or knowlegable readers,

First of all, I have really enjoyed reading the forums and have had lots of my questions answered already. I do MIS 3 times a week on non-consecutive days and have noticed that when I do rear lunges, I can feel my right glute working but not my left. I also will be sore the next day only on the right side. I try to pay attention to my form and only do stationary lunges to keep my knees from getting sore. Also, I have tried alternating which side I work first, but it doesnt seem to help. I dont know if anyone else has had this problem but any suggestions will be appreciated. I am also thinking about starting S&H, any feedback?

Do they call you Girafflegs for a certain reason?????????/ I was called Cricket all my life if that tells you anything. I noticed that same thing as far as only my left glute hurting while doing PS. I thought maybe I was leaning to the lefttoo much when lowering down...I thought it was just me.

Thank you for the reply.
I was called Girafflegs when I was a kid because I was taller than all the other kids and had long skinny legs. Actually, last time I did lunges I held the dumbells at my sides instead of on my shoulders and the problem went away. It must be something about how I balance. I am trying a new thing. I am doing Body RX and so far I really like it. I was doing MIS 3x a week. Now I am trying the heavier weights for less reps. I ordered slow and heavy and am expecting it today. I am excited to make some noticable gains.

HI Giraffe,

Quick question: what is body rx? I've heard it mentioned many times, but dont see it listed as a video?

Have you tried PS for Legs/Abs?/??/ Its sounds a lot like SH.

I am doing Body Max twice and PS legs once weekly along w/ abs everyday (need to get rid of few pounds in pooch). The only thing worse than a skinny girl is a skinny girl with a belly! LOL

Although I've always dabbled here and there in exercise, I am new to strength and weight training ? And you? If so, we can keep each other posted and encouraged as we "swell" these legs of ours!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the same problem! I am always more sore on the right side, or only sore on the right. I notice this mainly with my butt, no other body parts. I have used both barbell and dumbbells with no difference. What's the deal?
Regarding being sore on only one side of the butt? Maybe if youre like me, you tend to lean on only one side when bending down to pick something up or just general motion through the day. I've really tried to make an effort squatting entirely even down even if only having to bend slightly in order to take the strain off my butt and back. .............Could you guys be doing this too?

Dear GN,
Body Rx is a book by Dr. Scott Connely. He outlines a 6-month program of eating and weight training to really get you lean and sculpted. I got the book from the library just to see what it was about and really liked the info. He also has a website at bodyrx.com. I totally understand about the pooch. I am skinny but I have a son who ruined my belly and it has never been the same since :). Right now I am using S&H because it sort of goes along with the Body Rx. But in the next cycle I plan to use MIS and purchase PH maybe. I love BM, but right now I just use it for cardio. In the book the good Dr promotes weight training as the only way to really lose weight and look lean and sculpted. Let me know what you think if you look it up.

Dear Jul,
I have noticed for a while that I am stronger and more defined on one side. I have even gone to the Chiropractor thinking that something was out and have never been able to fix the problem. It really bothers me. But some friends of mine who body build for competetion say that is normal. I have not tried the lunges with the barbell yet, I just bought one. But I was doing them with the dumbells on my shoulders because I balance better that way, and when I tried it with them at my sides I could really feel my left side working. I dont know if that helps.

I also tend to put dumbbells on my shoulders for balance. I'll try them at my sides and really concentrate to see if it makes a difference. thanks!

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