Unexpected ab benefit with hi/lo


I've been meaning to post this:

Recently I've been doing a fun new mish-mosh: MIC hi/lo, followed immediately by 10-10-10 hi/lo, followed immediately by Boot Camp cardio premix. I've done it a couple of times, and I've really noticed a great pre-exhaust or warm-up for the abs that I feel when I go into the ab work, especially an ab routine that incorporates planks as well as traditional supine work. I feel that cool twinge the next day after I've done that that I don't often feel.

My theory is that with all the high-knee work, high-kick work with long legs, and really big arm movements that Cathe's hi/lo brings in really makes the abs work as stabilizers bigtime, especially the lower portion of the abdominals, as well as the obliques akin to what you get with a kickbox routine.

Just thought I'd share . . .

Droolin' For Body Blast
I printed this out-I'm going to give it a try. Do you do all of the 10-10-10 cardio or just the hi/lo part?

Just the hi/lo part. If I tried to do MIC hi/lo, all of 10-10-10 and then the Boot Camp cardio premix I'd explode.

I was very proud of myself this past Sun. when I did it - got thru all of the BC cardio segments including squat-thrust-climbers and those many million ice breakers without having to stop or modify. I need those little successes in my life.

A-Jock the Jejune
Hello Jejune-one:) ,
How long does that mish-mosh take? That sounds like just what I need to shake things up a bit. Which warm-up and cool down are you using? I have VHS, so I can do MIC and 10-10-10, but not the BC cardio premix. :-(
Have a "mature" evening:p
A-Jock! I'd be pickin turnips on a step ladder if I did all that in one session }( }( }(

Your one fit lady :+

Do you choose an ab segment to do after or does one magically come up after the Bootcamp segment?

Also, yes, how many minutes is it? Or hours :+

RE: To Dawn from The Jejune One

Lemme see about time: MIC hi/lo including warm-up (and that's what I use for the warm-up) is about 33 minutes; the hi/lo segment of 10-10-10 is about 9 minutes; and the Boot Camp cardio premix is about 8 minutes, so . . .

50 minutes. I think.

I'm too jejune and immature to be quite that confident about my math this early in the a.m. As for cool-down, actually I go straight from the Mish-Mosh to about 10 minutes of squat and lunge work with barbell and weight vest, so the cool-down consists only of my turning off David The DVD Player, getting the barbell lined up and the weight vest on, and turning on some slow heavy-downbeat music to pace the squats and lunges. (I must confess I'm a little too jejune for pre-produced cooldowns as well.)

Just a suggested substitution if you don't have Boot Camp premixes available: cue up your Circuit Max tape to right after the warm-up and warm-up mini-stretch, to take you right into the low-impact aerobic warm-up and then straight into the first true hi/lo segment. That oughtta toast you as well as BC premix.

Jejune To The End
Hi, Connie! I just figured out the time for Dawn in spite of my jejunity: 50 minutes. The BC cardio premix takes you right to the cooldown afterward, so I just turn David the DVD player off and have some fun with barbell/weight-vest squats and lunges, then some ankle weight work, THEN abs. Usually I do this mish-mosh on Sundays, and Sundays are do-my-own-thing for ab work: lotsa crunches with "pec-deck" and "pec-flye" arms, lotsa bicycles, lotsa V-sits a la the CTX Kickbox ab routine, lotsa crossover crunches and that cool Pilates-esque "100" move seen in Cardio Weights abs, then static planks.

Long answer to a short question - no, that premix doesn't automatically segue into an ab section. But BC premixes do of course include a core-only premix as well, so of course that's an option.

I don't mean to correct you but there's no such a word as jejunity. Jejunness is probably the word you're looking for. Sorry to correct you. I cant stand bad grammar and spelling. No offense. :eek:)
Thanks, A-J! I like using those non-head-supporting arms, too. It's good for neck strength, and for the shoulders.

Boo6tcamp cardio really gets me! I have to really work up to it. Maybe I should make a date with it! Put it on the calendar, play hookey from work the day before...
I checked my dictionary, and the words are jejuneness, jenunely, or jejunus. Perhaps you mistook jejunity to jejunely. I have a Webster's dictionary. I looked for jejunity and there's no such a word in my dictionary. Besides, I've never heard of jejunity and I was an english major in college. I'll take another look around though.
I looked it up on dictionary.com and it came up with the following:

2 entries found for jejunity.

\Je*ju"ni*ty\, n. The quality of being jejune; jejuneness.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

n 1: the quality of being vapid and unsophisticated [syn: jejuneness, tameness, vapidity, vapidness] 2: quality of lacking nutritive value [syn: jejuneness]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

I'm digging the word "jejune". Thanks for using it!

Shelley :)
That is something new to me. I could not find it in my dictionary. Sometimes they come up with a new word every year for some reasons. Thanks for letting me know, Shelley.
I knew I was vapid and unsophisticated, but I had no idea I was also lacking in nutritive value.

So a person eating too much junk food lacking nutrients must be a jejunetist? LOL :D I often fit that description, but I didn't think that of you. :D:D
AJ, I love your sense of humor.

Thanks for posting your hi/low workout. There must be something to the kickboxing and ab work. On the Cardio Kicks video, Cathe says at the end, there is no need for ab work after this workout. I'll have to give your suggesstion a try. :D

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