Uneven arm strength


I love concentration curls but my left arm is stronger than my right on this one exercise. For example when doing GS Back Shoulder Biceps, I use a 12lb DB for all the sets with my left arm, but with my right arm I have to drop down to a 10lb for the last bonus set. Is this ok to do? How do I "catch up" my right bicep? Thanks~ Mary
During Muscle Max (the back work, I think?), Cathe says that if you have imbalances in your strength to do a few more repetitions on the weaker side to get it caught up to the stronger side. And I believe that you want to use the same amount of weight for both sides as you do this.
I agree with Lisa, Cathe did say that in Muscle Max, just do more rep on the weaker side but still use the same weight load.

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