Undulating Warriors-On your mark, get set go! Jan 4 - Jan 10

Started off the morning with Disk 25 Chest and Back. Chest work was no problem. Other than adjusting the position of my leg off the end of the bench, I was able to do everything normally. OTOH Back work :eek: I subbed supermans for deadlifts. I really struggled most to find a way to do rows. I had to sit and it just wasn't working well. Took me awhile to figure out positions for rows, too. I'm hoping next time it'll go more smoothly.

I have a basic outline for how to eat right now and I definitely find it helps to plan it all out in the morning. I'm more likely to stick with it, though I have been known to sometimes wander off the path once in awhile. :eek:
Happy Monday Warriors!

Having a plan and having other Warriors to report to got me motivated this morning in a way I haven't been motivated for weeks and weeks.:D

I did the Hiit Double Wave Pyramid first and then got right into the Disc 25 chest and back. Great workout - great morning. I had to look back on my calendar - it's been two weeks since I worked chest and back with p90x and five weeks since the end of STS chest and back. I gotta confess - my muscles were quivering! BUT it felt fantastic to get some pump in the muscle.

Cathy - when I was recovering from my stress fracture I had an email exchange with one of the guys from Tom Venuto's forum. I had the exact same question, how to do rows! He said to work on the posterior pull muscles, since we already work the push muscles so much. He recommended tubing pull downs, recline rows ( http://www.ehow.com/video_2360557_the-recline-pull-up-training.html ) and of course pull ups. He also suggested resting the injured ankle/foot on top of the other foot so you could do the exercise without bearing weight.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone!
Go Warriors!
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Hi Warriors!

I did HiiT 30/30 followed by Disc 25. HiiT was intense! I made it through all the cardio intervals except 1; also had to take a couple of longer breaks b/t the intervals. I felt great once I finished. To be honest, I was nervous about if I could do it! I'm planning on doing 30/30 again on Friday. Next week, I'll try 40/20. :O

Chest and Back was challenging. I'd forgotten how heavy the weights feel in that Mesocycle! I got through it though & felt good once it was done.

I started strict WW online yesterday and pushed my point limit a little (not too badly though). Today, I've stayed on track. :)

So far, I'm feeling strong starting this rotation & looking forward to more!

See you tomorrow! :)
Hello Everyone

I got up early...which seemed way harder than usual and did Disc 25. I only had so much time this morning so I had to shorten the rest periods. I managed to do all the reps and my chest is sore already and my back was really feeling it with the rows. I had never thought of how to do them without having one foot on the ground! I then went and did the Hiit Pyramid. It was good, not as intense as Insanity but I am not sure that this really was an issue for me this morning! I felt really good and had my eating on track this morning and then bam! I went with my husband to see the rheumatologist and the appointment was really late and then she really went into detail and answered alot of questions so we missed lunch and messed up dinner! It was really a good appointment with lots of positives but the diagnosis is still the same. No Insanity for my DH or running...I forsee an elliptical in our future!

Anyways, I am keen to get into this rotation and sounds like we are all of the same mindset so we can keep each other in check!
Unwards Undulating Warriors!

Good Evening Warriors! :)

This morning I did Hiit 30/30 and STS Medicine Ball Abs. Tonight I will tackle disc 25. I played around yesterday with a rotation and this is the basic outline of my week...

Mon: AM - SC Hiit & STS Abs
Mon: PM -STS Upper
Tue: AM - SC Step (with another Cathe step every third week)
Tue: PM - Tennis or Treadmill
Wed: AM - SC Circuit (One of Circuit Blast Cardio only + Abs or Cardio Core Circuit) (with another Cathe non-step cardio with abs every third week)
Wed: PM - STS Legs
Thu: AM - Any Cathe Step workout
Thu: PM - Tennis or Treadmill
Fri: AM - SC MMA
Fri: PM - STS Upper
Sat: AM or PM - Any Insanity workout
Sun: Stretching minimum of 20 min
And of course any Tennis I can play on the weekends :p

Its very ambitious of me and we will see how I do in sticking to it, I should be fine given the flexibility in the evenings on most days. I can always move or slide something if necessary. I decided that I just do better in throughout the day when I start with cardio. So unless I know the day will interrupt STS in the evenings, I will stick with cardio in the mornings.

Cathy - Thanks for starting the thread, and I am very impressed with your determination to do the workouts even with your modifications, keep it up!

Janis - Great job on getting back on the bandwagon today. I admit it was tough for me to get up and get going, but knowing that we are all starting today helped.

Tara - Way to go on starting the WW and doing the 30/30. I am always a little nervous on any of the workouts that are not step when I first try them and sometimes a few times afterwards as well. Learning to trust what I am capable of doing is something I am working on. Tennis camp helped alot on this for me.

Alright, time to get myself ready for STS. Talk to you all tomorrow. Go Warriors! :cool:
Morning Warrior Ladies!! I did yoga/stretching and the core work from MMA Kick Box this morning. My oldest has done that workout the last two days and it's one where I could do almost all the core work and just modify two things. Made a nice change from doing the older core workouts.

Janis thanks so much for the row suggestions. I do have a hard time wrapping my brain around using tubing instead when my workout card says I should be using 56 lbs. Just doesn't seem to balance out, so it would never have occurred to me.

Heather I'm so glad you DH had his appointment and that it was helpful to you both. I hope he figures out what works for him and keeps a positive outlook. I find that it makes a huge difference.

Oh, and my DH finally went to the doctor yesterday (I week late in my opinion, but you can't make an almost 50 yo guy go to the Dr.) and he had sprained his back, and the doctor realigned it for him. I really like having a DO who can do adjustments makes things simpler.

MJ we'll help you stick to that rotation. ;)

Tara sounds like you got in a great workout and you restarted WW! Everyone one is on track and rolling along...
BTW did you guys see Cathe's list of the SC's in order of intensity?

(number 2 and 3 could be tie for intensity as well as number 9 and 10)


1) Travel Fit

2) MMA Kickbox

3) Step Moves

4) MMA Fusion

5) Heavy Bag Bonus Workout (actually this should not really be rated as it is just considered a 19 minute add on BUT if it is added to any of the lower intensity workouts it will bring them up in their intensity ranking )

6) Circuit Blast

7) MMA Boxing

8) Athletic Step

9) Cardio Core Circuit

10) HIIT 30/30

11) HIIT DOuble Wave Pyramid

12) HIIT 40/20
Hey Warriors!

Happy day two of our new rotation!

I did a CCv4 interval run today, then got right to work with MMA-Boxing. Has anyone else tried this one yet? I really loved it! I went into the workout with Pec DOMS - like achey "I must be coming down with the flu" type DOMS - MMA boxing worked the DOMS out beautifully, I am no longer sore! YAY! I was still wearing my HRM monitor; I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this workout kept my heart rate up and I burned a lot of calories. Double Yay!

MJ- Welcome home! I too need cardio in the morning to get my blood flowing, it really does energize me. Without it, I am like a wilted flower. Did you get your STS workout accomplished?

Tara - way to go girl! I was a bit freaked out when I started yesterday too, I couldn't believe how quickly my strength had atrophied. I suppose that's the point of the Undulating rotation, right? Muscle confusion squared! I did great with my food choices yesterday, that is until I made homemade pita bread to go along with the Mediterranean dinner menu - eegads - white flour/salt/yeast just does not agree me with! Now I look and feel like a Thanksgiving Day float. I plan on doing better today. (chanting to myself -no bread, no bread, no bread)

Heather - Congrats on getting up early yesterday morning - I know how brutal that is. Wasn't the Double Wave Pyramid fun! There's nothing like a quick yet effective workout. Did the Rheumotologist give you any tools/information on how to deal with or treat your DH's pain? Are yoga or body weight exercises out?

Cathy - Thanks for posting Cathe's list of SC workouts and their Intensity - very very useful! Carob chips!? You gotta do some livin' girl! NO, I take that back - Carob chips, yummmy, so very good mixed in with granola and yogurt. A long time ago I used to buy carob ice cream, I don't think this company makes it any more, Altadena, I think, was the name. It was the best! I still think about it occasionally. Especially since certain chocolate and sugar or the quality of the chocolate gives me a terrible headache. Do you have a bench press or the power tower? You could do the recline rows easily using the stabilized bar and lifting your body weight up - of course resting your injured Achilles on top of the other leg.

Ok Wonder Women - time to shower and actually accomplish something.
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Hi Warriors,

I got busy this evening and almost forgot to post! I did get my workout in though. StepMoves again. I am gradually getting better, but still have a ways to go with the footwork. Eating was good today too. Yesterday after I proudly posted that I adhered to my WW point limit, I got the late night munchies and ate some oatmeal cookies! Not good!
Actually, I think they were post-STS workout munchies! I'm going to have to be very careful and disciplined on the days I do the STS weight workouts.
My chest is soooooooo sore today from doing Disc 26 yesterday! I have to get used to that again.

It's WAAAAY past bedtime for me, so I will keep this short. I'll post more tomorrow!

See you then!
Hey Everyone

Today I did not do as well! I could not get our of bed... the 5am visitor was not helpful... Anyways, I ended up doing the massive Christmas returns/shopping today and then came home and did aCC2 run, I really pushed myself and upped my speed on the intervals and resistance and upped my speed during the steady states too. I was hoping to do MMA Boxing but I spent 1/2 an hour tamping down the snow on the rink (we are trying a new ice making philosophy) and shovelling the front of the house...I am feeling a little spent right now and I am off to do more tamping in the dark. The tamping is like doing a high knees walk so there is a cardio/core factor!
I will do MMA Boxing tomorrow after plyo legs!!! I can't wait to do all the workouts! Glad to hear that I was not the only one with DOMS after monday! The shovelling was really bringing them on! even the run did.

Cathy - Thanks for the Intensity post! Very interesting! My Dh's attitude is actually much better now that we have a diagnosis. We'll see where it goes!

Janis - He can do strength training and yoga but as long as he listens to his body. The doc laughed as she told him this as in her opinion guys are not very good at listening to there bodies...We are going to get him on track!

Tara - I am a little afraid to try Step Moves - how does it compare to HIS??? Is it as hard as that, cause if it is I will need alot of "time" with it!

MJ - I like your plan! I need to find a way to incorporate 2 cardio's in to my day, just have to figure it out. I think you wouldn't have made your plan if you didn't think that you can do it... and if you miss one or two it is no big deal.

Gotta go tamp! Talk to you tomorrow
Good Morning Warriors!

Sorry, forgot to post yesterday, although I did post in my head if that counts ;) lol

Anyway, yesterday I tried step moves for the first time. Its deceptively simple, meaning once you break down the moves they arent that complicated, but the way she strings them together makes it tricky. I got most of it, but still needed to go back a couple of times and definitely need work on stringing the whole combos together. If you are not one where step comes easily for you, definitely take the combo sections one at a time and do your learning on the end of some other workout, trying to do all of them will be too frustrating at once.

This morning I did the cardio only premix of circuit blast. Its like a mini plyo legs workout, only 23 min which includes warm up and stretch, then about 5 or 6 mini cycles of a plyo move and a cardio leg or another plyo move. Cathe grabs a 15lb weight for two of the leg based exercises, but I just used my medicine ball so it was having resistance but not enough to be a true weight exercise. Its a fun little workout. Probably more of an add on workout given the length, but it was still good for something short. I also added B&G bonus abs this morning. Tonight I will tackle the first plyo legs.

Looks like everyone is doing pretty well so far this week, once we are back in the groove of everything I think this rotation will be great for all of us.

Alright, time to make myself get ready and go to work. Will check back later. Have a good day. :cool:
Hey Everyone

I managed to get up this morning and did Plyo Legs. The plyo did not seem as tough as before! I did not have to pause... so that was a bonus. I then did MMA Boxing right after and it worked out well as an upper body workout with a few more drills thrown in. I really liked it. I skipped the warm-up as I was already really warm and did the core work at the end. I am not sure that if I was to do this one on it's own I would feel like I got a good enough workout. I think that tacking something on the end would be good. The heavy bag might be the ticket but I did not have time this morning... and I don't have a heavy bag. One of the other STS Cardio threads suggested tying a pillow to DH and using that. Not a bad idea:p. I'm glad I got everything done this morning so that now I don't have to worry about trying to fit it in later!
Maybe I'll try a Step Moves combo tonight just to try it.
We'll I had better go and get going on the day!
Talk to you all soon
Moving my upper body workout to tomorrow. :( I got up at 4:00 and when I went to go back to bed I found the 18 yo cat behind the bedroom door. She's been nothing but a skeleton for the last couple months and yesterday was clearly headed downhill. She spent most of the day trying to find a hiding place. Every time I opened a cupboard or the frig she'd try and get in it. I sat with her in the bathroom until DH got up at 6. Then I moved her to the living room, but she managed to get herself behind a chair. So, I put a small rug under her and she's been laying there since then. She clearly has the instinct to hide. The other cats have checked her out and then left her alone. I laid down on the couch and dozed on and off until 8, but I'm not up to doing a workout.

Heather sounds like you got plenty of workout yesterday with all the outdoor stuff! When I was a kid, we had an acre out of a 10 acre piece of land my Grandpa farmed and every year because of drain problems it would flood in late fall/early winter and create a place for us to skate. We moved when I was going into 7th grade and I haven't skated since.

MJ sounds like you did fine with Step Moves. I'm not one for wanting to have to stop and start during a workout, so I'll probably have to learn that one in pieces.

Tara I've gotten pretty good at not eating after supper. Takes awhile to get in the flow of doing it, but as long as I've eaten enough during the day I generally don't need food later anymore. I try to be done eating by 6:30. 7:00 at the latest. You can do it!

Janis I'm glad you liked the Boxing workout. Nicholas wants to try that one next. Yesterday he did a premix from KPC. He wants to take boxing lessons, but we told him no way. He already plays basketball and baseball and frankly neither of us want him boxing for real. He's never seen anything but pictures and doesn't real grasp what it would be like even wearing protective gear. It really wouldn't fit his personality as he's not the least bit aggressive. Heck if you can't be aggressive on the basketball court (in the way that you're supposed to be aggressive in that sport) you're not going to cut it in boxing. Thanks for all the tips on modifying my workouts.
Happy Plyo Wednesday Warriors!

My plyo work out was great - I confess - it kicked my butt!

Heather your Insanity workouts and Shock Cardio- Ice Rink have really built up your endurance and stamina! My week off (while sick) took a toll on mine. I kept up with plyo and did all the exercises but when I attempted MMA-Fusion right after, I didn't make it very far, just to the second combo, before I called it a day. While fusion is low intensity, it might take me a bit of time (which I didn't have today) to sort through the transitions. I feel so clumsy and dorky (and bloated).

Cathy - I am so sorry to hear about your sweet cat. The poor dear just wants to let go. May she have an easefull passing.
That's a great tip you gave Tara, and one I need to focus on, not eating after dinner. I am not hungry after dinner - I just fall prey to nibbles and munches because my dh always makes popcorn. The salt and corn is such a bad combo for me.

Tara - How did your Wednesday workout go? And how are your chest DOMS? Mine are not as gone as I had first thought - I seem to have had a resurgence.

MJ - two plyo workouts in one day! Warrior training to the extreme!!! Go girl go!

Warrior Wednesday will be followed by running tomorrow and an Insanity workout in the evening. I may try to squeeze in a bit of yoga too.

Happy Wednesday!

I did Disc 36, Squat Rack legs followed by Medicine ball abs. This is my first time doing Squat Rack legs. I felt my legs working deep inside! What a difference the heavy weights make. I didn't mind the long breaks b/t reps. My vest is heavy, so I found that I needed to take it off during the breaks to give my shoulders & upper back a break. I had plenty of time to get it off, drink water, stretch, change weights if needed and get the vest back on for the next set! I like the simplicity of this routine so far. I miss the fun factor of plyo legs, but nevertheless enjoyed Squat rack legs today.

Eating was better yesterday and today! No oatmeal cookie binges ;) And I have stayed within my point limits.

Heather, I think as far as intricate choreography, Step Moves is as challenging as HIS. However, it doesn't have blasts b/t the step combos, so to me it was less choregraphy to learn than HIS. Step Moves also seems dancier to me. The footwork is quicker. When I did it yesterday, I pretty much knew how to do the steps, but had trouble keeping up with the quick pace. There is a triple-step over the box which will probably take me a few more times to master. I'm thinking I'll probably have to do SM 2-3 more times before I'm able to do it without missteps. I do like it a lot & it will probably be one of my favorites. :)
The last time I did plyo legs, it became easier each time I did it, although I never could call it an easy workout. ;) I imagine all the cardio conditioning and intensity of Insanity has played a role in making pylo legs easier for you. It's a good feeling, I'm sure!

Cathy, thanks for posting the rating of SC workouts by Cathe. I had glanced at it before, but I glad you posted it as I thought Hiit-pyramid was the hardest instead of 40/20. I would have done 40/20 next week & probably not been ready for it! So, it'll be Hiit-pyramid for me next week! I also appreciate the suggestion for not eating after dinner. I know it can make a big difference with weight loss efforts! My routine is that I work out in the evenings & therefore I crave a post-workout snack. I'm working on shifting my workouts to the mornings, but I struggle with getting up early! But If I did so, it would be easy for me not to eat after dinner. I've intended to do AM workouts this week, but so far have hit snooze too many times & run out of time. I'm going to keep striving to change! I'm sorry to hear about your cat---sounds like she has been part of your family for a long time.

MJ, I like your rotation! I think it's a great idea to do cardio in the AM. On the rare occasions that I manage to arise early it exercise, I feel energize all day & sleep so well at night. Hope pylo legs went well for you today!

Janis, my chest DOMS is still hanging around! So, I'm going to do MMA boxing tomorrow and see if it will get rid of it as it did for you. My fingers are crossed! I've read other posts about MMA Fusion and it sounds like some of the moves are different from a typical MMA workout. I probably will save that one as one of the last ones I try. I'm curious, but also anxious to try all the other SC DVDs. Sometimes I wish I had time & energy to do 2 or 3 workouts/day just so I can try all of them quicker!

I'm glad to have all of you to keep me inspired and motivated!

Be back tomorrow!
This morning I did Disk 27 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps and was able to do everything at the right weight! I did overhead presses sitting down and barbell curls with one knee on the chair. Worked just fine. The only exercise that wasn’t quite on track was the bicep curls on the stability ball. I was pretty sure I couldn’t balance well enough with the ball so I used my bench at the steepest incline. It turned out to work pretty well, but I felt it slightly differently than normal.

A few minutes ago I finished rearranging the living room furniture. Luckily, the floor is laminate and things slide pretty easy. So, using one leg and my arms worked fine.

On the downside, it’s snowing and it’s supposed to keep snowing through 4 a.m. tomorrow morning. Up to 7” projected. I’m really hoping we get the low end at 4” since neither DH nor I can shovel. I’m going to send the boys out at 4:00 to do at least the area near the garage, but we have a fairly long drive and we always shovel it. The boys and I need to leave by a little after 9 a.m. tomorrow and DH is supposed to go to work, so hopefully things will work out to keep us on track for getting out.

Oh and this morning after my workout when I was well warmed up, I tried going up on my toes and I could do it! When the dr. asked me to try on 12-23 I couldn’t do it at all. Yay!

More later. I'm trying to keep the phone line free as much as possible today.
Hey Everyone

I had to get up early to do my workout today as I had to go to a clients and I didn't make it home to do the run I had planned. After yesterday I think that maybe a good idea as I was sooo exhausted last night. Too much with Plyo legs and MMA Boxing. My legs are pretty sore today. This morning I did Athletic Step and it was okay. There were a few moves that I didn't get and I was a little annoyed at myself. I did work up a good sweat though and it was time for a steady state.

Cathy - I hope your cat goes peacefully, it is a very hard thing to go through with a long time family pet. - On a brighter note congrats on getting through Shoulders, Biceps and Tri's! The incline bench feels like a totally different move than curls on the stability ball. I couldn't go as heavy when I tried it last time.

Janis - If you could have seen me last night with non-stop yawning at 8 then you might not have said that I was so well conditioned! We have more ice work tonight, so hopefully that will account for something.

MJ - I hope that you are easing back into work it's not swallowing you up after the holidays!

Tara - For me to workout in the morning, I have everything ready to put on and I make myself get up and start going... half the time I am waking up during the warm up!

Talk to you all soon
Hi Warriors,

I was tired today!! It was one of those days I was so-o-o tempted not to workout. I felt like going to sleep as soon as I got home from work. BUT I did go ahead and do MMA Boxing. I thought it was fun and a good workout. It was a nice change of pace. I'd forgotten that it had core work at the end, so my abs did not feel like cooperating as they were a little sore from medicine ball abs yesterday.
I behaved and did good with eating too. My weekly weigh-in is tomorrow. I hope the scale will give me some good news!

Janis, the MMA Boxing did help loosen up my chest a bit. I am still mildly sore, but it does feel better!

Cathy, I'm glad to hear your foot/ankle is recovering and progress is visible! :) Hope the snow doesn't get to bad for you. It's snowed all day here too & we may get more tonight.

Heather, I'm planning to do Athletic Step next week. I hope it will be easier to learn than Step Moves!

MJ, Hope all is going well for you! :)

Okay, tomorrow will be Disc 27 & then REST on Saturday--Whoo Hoo!!

Caitlin passed away late yesterday afternoon. I was really glad that her body just shut down and she was able to be at home where she was in familiar surroundings. I always hate when they are suffering and putting them through a trip to the vets for euthanasia. It takes away their pain, but sadly adds to their stress at the end. :(

Nicholas with a little help from Derek did a fair amount of shoveling this afternoon, but it's still snowing. Honestly even if we could get out tomorrow I may not go, because our road will still be bad and it'll take me twice as long as usual (at least!) to get to the highway. Then I just need to get DH to take Nicholas to basketball practice tomorrow night and I won't have to go out until Saturday.
This morning I did leg floor work and the abs from Cardio & Weights. Then I walked for awhile with my leg unwrapped around the basement. It's funny but even after a short time I'm having trouble walking normally. With the wrap on I always have an odd gait and my body seems to want to keep it even when it's off. I actually had a dream last night that I was doing step on just the platform!

The guys got the drive shoveled out. The doctor told DH yesterday that when pro football players sprain their backs they are out for 6 weeks, and somehow DH decided that it was ok for him to shovel snow. Actually, he pushed snow which was light enough that he could, however, even pushing snow around uses the lower back muscles. I'm thinking it wasn't exactly what the doc had in mind. :rolleyes:

Waiting to hear from a friend who will have taken the highway to work to see how it is. I know our road will be slow going, but if the highway is just clear and wet, I'll probably still try and get out. Though I actually have as much or more driving on side roads to get to the nature center once I'm off the highway. Continues pondering the situation.

At least we aren't supposed to get snow Saturday or Sunday, because I invited a few people to come for cake and ice cream as DH turns 50 next week. The stinker has somehow figured it out though and is just sure that there are people coming. I'd told him my parents were coming (he and my Mom have the same b-day) but that because of my leg I couldn't function well enough to have more people over. I really had been planning to have a bigger party, and there really is no way I could easily do everything I'd need to do for that, so hopefully he will be ok with his smaller party. He's a major introvert anyway and normally he doesn't want a lot of people here, so I think it'll be ok.

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