Undulating Warriors March 1-7


Hey Warriors

I can't believe I am the first one here today... actually I can't believe that it's Monday, the first of March or that it's already 11:00 here.

This morning I did Meso 1 disc 7. OUCH will be the word of the day! I killed each part - or shall I say Cathe killed each. My biceps are still burning, my shoulders were crying and I was crying doing all those push-ups. The set with 8 reg, 8 wide and then 30 regular just about killed me, even after I had to go to my knees. Wow, I am going to be paying tomorrow! I did do Imax2 after. I really like that workout and it was really nice to throw in as a change of pace.

Anyways, I am off to get some work done. I managed to pick up some extra projects this winter so now I just have to get them done!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Oh, yeah... I was actually really embarrassed last night with the closing ceremonies. It's fun to poke fun at yourself a little but that was over the top ... Cripes blow up beavers and floating moose. So much cool stuff comes from Canada - like Cirque de Solie, couldn't we have shown off a little. Okay done my rant!

See you
Holy Guacamole Batman!

What were we thinking pre-frying our shoulders on Friday, barely recovering and then hitting them hard today with push ups!? I tweaked my shoulder doing the Elmo push ups, and had to drop the weight for the lateral raises and overhead press 21's...I managed to rally and do all the other push ups though, so yay! I think I like the push ups better when we open the program with them, putting the drops sets towards the end about killed me.

I saw your post last night, Heather, that you were going to do Imax 2 today, so I joined you. All the shoulder rotations in the intervals helped workout the tension. I am starting to get it - the workout - even though I was thinking about food the entire time! lol.

I was spent after the hockey game, I didn't have the energy to watch the closing ceremonies! What a game!

Gotta go.
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Hey Again

I didn't want to mention the hockey game as I was not sure how die hard everyone was! What a nail biter - two great teams fighting it out to the death!!!
I forgot that we pre-fried on Friday and that is why we are so messed up by this workout!!!

Janis - glad you didn't watch the closing!

Heather you can in no way offend me about hockey, I am a disgrace to my family and don't care for it. :D I will say though that my nephew's (he's almost 14) hockey team took 4th in the State of Florida tournaments over the weekend, after winning their conference. Did I mention that my BIL is a NHL ref ;) and he's from Canada, so my sister's house was divided during the Olympics!

Ok, just let me say that I was not having fun with Disk 7. You all know my feelings on push ups, so I will confess to going into the workout with a bad attitude. :eek: :D I had to do some extra pausing for equipment changes and I did pause after those 30 push-ups, too, because my heart seemed to think I'd just done a blast in IMAX 3. :eek: But, my biggest challenge was the barbell front press at the end - I really should have lightened my weight. Remember last week when I adjusted my 1RM's I think that was a mistake. I looked and last time I did them I was 5 1/2 lbs lighter! I managed the first two sets of 7, but the full ones I didn't have a prayer of getting it back up.

However, today it is sunny!!!!! Snow is melting and it's officially the month when the calendar says spring will be here.

Since you guys did IMAX 2, I'll plan on doing that one tomorrow morning.
Hi Everyone!

I took a hiatus from exercising over the weekend. Saturday, I was just tired! On Sunday, we did get some interesting weather! Power was out for 3-4 hours & had some strong winds and rain storms. Thankfully, only minor damage occurred in my area, such as tree branches blow off, etc. Today, the weather was much nicer and the sun poked out a bit!

Today, I did Disc 33 to catch up from last week. And I did HiiT 40/20. I'm a long way from not having to pause extra on that one! I did make it at least until the first 1 minute break without pausing, but then it was an extra pause after every 2 intervals. Disc 33 was good--stayed with 90% for all the exercises. I think after reading all of your painful experiences with Meso 1 Chest, Tris and shoulders, that I will do Legs tomorrow and save Disc 7 for Wed or Thursday!

I think all of you have me ready to order IMAX 2. You all make it sound fun!

Well, I'm off to bed. Hopefully this week will be better for me as far as checking in more often.

I'll plan to be back tomorrow!

Good morning Warriors!

I started off my day with IMAX 2 and then the abs from Cardio & Weights. I was able to do IMAX 2, but I can tell that my cardio endurance still isn't 100% back yet.

For all that I struggled with Disk 7 yesterday, I'm not really sore anywhere. Maybe it'll hit me later, but it hasn't yet. Not that I wouldn't be happy to go a few days without being sore somewhere for a change. ;)

Tara I'm glad that you weren't impacted more by the storm. Sounds like it was really bad in some places. :(

We are supposed to see some more sun this afternoon and life just flows so much nicer when there is sunshine!
Hey Everyone

We had a beautiful day here... just at freezing with alot of sunshine. It was so nice to see the sun! I ended up sleeping in after yesterdays workouts but I did CC7 later in the morning followed by STS Stability ball abs. I am very proud to announce that I can do pikes now... not on legged but pikes! I ramped up CC7 today and worked at higher levels for the intervals so I was totally spent after the workout, but felt great, besides being annoyed at myself for not getting my workout in the morning. I find that it really messes with my day to do the workout later in the day. In the past I would have just not worked out that day so I know I have turned some mental corner to feel that I could let myself do the workout later in the day.

Anyways, I am looking forward to Legs tomorrow. I am going to start every exercise with my weaker leg - I read somewhere that helps build strength??? Who knows!

Cathy - I too don't have DOMS from yesterday when I really thought I would be in trouble for. Although I went to do something that required lifting above my head and my arms felt instantly tired. Congrats on IMAX2, you are coming along very quickly! Hope you got the sunshine that we did!

Janis - I read you last post and instantly wanted Quacamole! Hope you had a good workout today!

Tara - I am glad that you weren't part of the storm. How did legs go? IMAX2 was one of my first Cathe videos and it was what totally hooked me. It kinda like a Hiit workout with longer low intensity breaks. It has a fun factor and Cathe is really relaxed and motivating. Again no enabling here!

MJ - Hope you are getting your workouts in and ... I can't remember do you have your inline skates yet?

Talk to you all tomorrow!
Well Disk 8 certainly went smoother than Disk 7. Mainly because the equipment changes flowed much better and I had the appropriate weights for everything. Never did get sore from Disk 7. Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Heather YAY! on those pikes. I found that watching the CatheTV segment where she demonstrated the one-legged ones, was a huge help to me. I need to pull that one out and do it. It's sunny here again today! I hope you have sun, too. What a huge change it makes in how I feel.

We are heading out to go sledding after lunch. I'm really hoping it's the last time this year that there will be enough snow to sled. :D We are supposed to hit mid-40's on Saturday!!!! Of course, that means everything will be one giant puddle. ;)

Hope things are going smoothly for all of you!
Hey Everyone

I got up early this morning and did Disc 9 (Legs) and tried to up my weights as much as I could. Then after breakfast and getting the kids on the bus I did MMA Boxing. The intensity was just right after doing legs. I was extremely sweaty after both workouts! I probably didn't need to do the abs portion of Boxing but I did and my abs were not impressed with me!
This afternoon my kids school is putting on a musical and I get to paint faces, that will be fun!

Cathy - Again another beautiful day. I would imagine if it keeps up we will be a big muddy puddle by the weekend too.

Hope everyone else has a great day!
Happy Wednesday Warriors!

Yesterday was one of those rough - tossed against the rocky-emotional shores -days. Hormones. :mad: I did half of Hiit-pyramid and ran two miles and called it a day. Now that I am on the safe side of the beach, as it were, I feel much better. I had both Disc 9 and MMA-Boxing on the calendar for today, but decided to only do Disc 9. After Plyo legs last week, I kept thinking the workout was happening at a s l o w pace.

Heather - I was wondering if you could use your sliding thing-y for the leg drills in disc 9? Did starting each exercise with your right leg make a difference? I could feel the weakness, again, with the (ankle weight) sitting leg lifts. Congrats on your CC7 workout, sounds like you tapped into an energy reserve and had a great run. Face painting! What a fun way to spend the afternoon! I just love how fascinated and thrilled children are by the metamorphosis.

Cathy - I agree, sunshine makes all the difference. It is probably what I love most about March - it signifies the worst of winter is over and spring sunshine is around the corner. I have tons of DOMS from disc 7, how'd you and Heather escape? Mostly in my triceps and upper pecs. Even though it wasn't a triceps workout all the push ups nailed me there! Hope you had a great time sledding. Next week you can stomp in mud puddles, make mud pies, and have a mud mask facial.:p

Tara - Wow - that was some storm! Sounds like my winter. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Did you do disc 9 and disc 7?

MJ - Hope week two of HR hell isn't getting the best of you. Fight on girl!:D

After yesterday - everything is looking brighter and rosier.:)
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Hi Warriors,

Yesterday, I took an unintentional rest. I had my workout clothes on, went to say goodnight to my DD with the plan to go downstairs afterwards and exercise. On my way toward the stairs, my bed called my name & I thought I'd lay down just for a minute; next thing I knew the alarm is going off and its 4AM! At least instead of hitting snooze or reseting it for an hour later, I did get up and throw in 4DS LIS cardio, followed by Disc 9. My legs did get tired toward the end, so I skipped the last 3 exercises. Otherwise, I had a good workout!

I think you all have me "enabled" to buy IMAX 2 ;) With all the discounts going on this month it seems like a good time to treat myself to some Cathe stuff!

Heather, congrats on the Pikes! That is an accomplishment to be proud of! :) Back when I did a lot of Anna Benson FitPrime workouts, I often started leg exercises on the weaker or non-dominant leg. A. Benson really stressed the importance of that. I have forgotten why exactly though!

Cathy, enjoy sledding! I too like snow, but am glad it is beginning to warm up! Last week, our temps got as high as the upper 40s, but now are cooler. I think the brief rise in temps is what caused the storm/bad weather we had over the weekend. Hopefully, we won't get any more of that soon!

Janis, glad the rosy days are ahead and that you are on the good side of the beach! I have days when I wish I could turn off my hormones. I'm planning Disc 7 tomorrow and Disc 8 on Friday. I think my upper body has recovered from Disc 33, so I should be ready!

MJ, Hello & hope you are having a good week!

See you all soon!
Hey Warriors!

Just checking in to say that I have been down for the count the last two days. I managed to get some sort of food poisoning on Tuesday and just now am recovering enough to actually hold some crackers down. So needless to say I have been dead to the world, workouts, work and everything else. Still at home and will spend the day trying to rehydrate and work up to getting some soup into the system. Lets hope I can get back some strength today.

Will try to check back later.
Hey Everyone

Wow what a tough week for everyone!
This morning I got up and did CC2 with an added steady state run on the end. I had not done this one in a while and I really increased the intensity and I was glad it was shorter than some of the others. I am pretty sure though that my heart rate monitor was not right. There were times that I was gasping for air and it said that I was still at 75% of my max. That can't be right. Oh well, maybe new batteries will help.
So I woke up at about 2 in the morning with a really stiff back and arms and realized that I must have really worked some muscles that haven't been worked in a while with the MMA Boxing. That workout is fun and I did not realize how much extra effort I was putting in. So now my butt has DOMS and my arms and back are DOMSing as well. Sorry, I had to complain to someone and my DH with his back issues is not very receptive to any of my self induced pain.

MJ - Food poisoning was probably the last reason I would have thought you were MIA. That is so too bad. I really hope you are feeling better, it can take a while to get back on track again after system evacuations! Good luck and hope your recovery is quick.

Tara - When the bed calls like that it is always best to listen to your body. Obviously you really needed it. Kudos on doing LIS and Sts the next morning. 4 is awfully early.

Janis - No fun for you either, nothing like getting slammed by your own body! I had never thought of using the slider instead of the plates. I'll have to see if it works better... I did all exercises with the weak leg first and that "cheek" is the sorest today, I'll have to see if it makes a difference over time.

Cathy - Hope you got your last tobogganing run in! We aren't going to get as warm today as expected but this weekend it's supposed to get up to 49. The puddle is coming! I'll have to check out the Cathe TV vid again for the pikes but I think that I am a ways off yet. Soon though!

Talk to you all soon
Hi Ladies

Today is a much better day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing sweetly, the days are getting longer.... :):):):) shall I go on? {laughing}

I ran this morning to CCv5. It was a great run, and I put more effort into it than I have in a couple of weeks. I followed it up with STS disc 8, Back and triceps. (I am going to be out of town all day tomorrow.)

Gosh - MJ - I am sorry you are sick. Food poisoning is the worst. Skating inside is one thing, but being that sick all by yourself, well, that sucks. Take it easy, honey. Yogurt might feel good too.

Tara - I loved your "bed was calling my name" story. You were all dressed to exercise once the alarm rang - so you hit it hard - what a Dynamo Warrior. I have to agree with Heather - 4 a.m. is early. Thanks for commiserating with me about the hormonal state of being a woman. Good god, it's like I live with a crazy lady - and she wears my clothes too! {laughing}

Heather - Sounds like I was wrong wrong wrong about your HRM! I have to watch what I say and complain about around here too. I open myself up to all sorts of comments if I mention having sore triceps or sore cheeks. Just wait til your boys get older! (I bet yours won't be so ruthless!) Did you receive the new e-book from Tom Venuto? His "Holy Grail". (It's free for his BFFM customers.) Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll send it to you.

Cathy - Are you out there, dear? My day isn't the same without hearing from you first! I hope all is well. How are you after disc 7 - any DOMS?

Time to vacuum while I still have post workout endorphins to bank on.:D
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Hey Again

Janis I did not get the holy grail... I would love if you could send it to me. I am off to vacuum too. What fun!
I too have a crazy lady that arrives uninvited once a month and then the next day I realize why she arrived and am much relieved that life is not as bad as she said!

Talk to you soon
I've been gone all day watching a friend's kids and now I have to just do a quick check in and get to the cleaning that didn't happen this morning!

I did CCC for the first time today! Cathe has this listed in her easiest to hardest as easier than the Hiit's, but I found it at least as hard as Double Wave Pyramid. I had to do the modifications for a couple abs moves and for one of the cardio ones - squat, drop and roll I think (is that what she calls it?) I had to leave early so that's all I did. Oh, I did play "Mommy Monster" with 4 kids so that took a fair bit of energy with some chasing involved.

I've never had problems with my cycles and I seem to be on the verge of passing from that phase of my life now. My last cycle was 40 days long and I'm now on day 50 with no signs of anything about to happen. I am rather missing my very mild night sweats as they kept me warm at night. ;)

MJ I sure hope you get back to feeling fine again soon!

Tara sounds like your body knew what it needed and how cool to be already dressed to workout when you woke up. :D

Heather we are supposed to be in the 40's in a couple days, so we'll be having major mud puddles - already have some. It's sunny and above freezing again today.

Janis you can go on about sunshine and birds singing all you want - I am SO ready for spring to be here!

Ok, off to do fun stuff...make the bed, sweep, dishes.....
Back to add that when I was watching the kids today I took all the stuff with me that I needed to set up another rotation. I want to do the rotation I'd envisioned for this time, but got waylaid with my injury. :(

When I get a chance I'm going to set if up on a spreadsheet, I had to do it the old fashioned way on paper since I didn't have a computer with me at the time. ;)

Basically it's:

a randomly chosen undulating version of STS
Ab Circuits
each week - 2 steady state step workouts, 2 MMA or Kick Box workouts, and Hiit workouts or CCC every third day (72 hrs. recovery time)
Stretching with Stretch Max, Extended Stretch or yoga on a regular basis
Rest days or make-up days some Saturdays, but not all.

Let me know if you want to see it once I've got it on the computer and can send copies.
Reporting in with Disk 9 legs. My calves were sore from doing CCC yesterday - thankfully both of them, so I know I didn't do something to the one that had the injury. I went up a pound on a few things, but dropped down for calf raises as I didn't want to make things worse. I do like Meso 1 legs much more than I like the Meso 1 upper body workouts. After I finished, I did the first part of Stretch Max with the band to get a nice stretch in my legs and lower back. Lower back was not loving all the deadlifts.

Now I'm off to soak in a hot tub for a bit before I start cleaning for the day!
Good Morning Everyone

I just have a minute but this morning I did Disc8 Back and Tri's. It went well and seemed to fly by. Then after I had breakfast, did all the morning chaos and got kids on the bus I did Hiit 30/30. Now I am off to work.

Glad hear that everyone's week is ending up better than it started!

Cathy - I'd love to see your rotation. I know for me that I need to take a STS break for a few weeks before jumping back in again but I know for you, you must feel like this rotation was incomplete because of your injury.

Gotta run! (not literally this time!)

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