Understanding BFL


Hi all,
I am having trouble deciding what I want to do for my next rotation. I was thinking of a 4DS rotation, but then starting looking into The New Rules of Lifting for Women. I also want to look into BFL. If I understand it correctly, for cardio you just do HIIT. If this is correct could I follow the following rotation?

Using the Pyramids (because for me I really need to follow someone)
PUB no abs
PUB no abs
If I use the Pyramids, would I follow Cathe for the pyramid up part, when she goes down I would continue lifting heavier for 6 reps, and then follow her for the last 12 reps with light weights?
then the following week would be:

Any feed back would be soooo appreciated. I really am someone who needs to "follow", which is why I love Cathe! So figuring this stuff out on my own, I need some help. What mostly appeals to me about this is the time is about an hour or less (great for the summer when kids are home) and its different.

If you are going to do BFL, I would do the first 12 weeks totally by the book and then make modifications if you want to. Otherise, you won't really know if BFL works for you or not.

The pyramids and S&H are decent substitutes for BFL lifting but not the same.

When I'm on plan, I do 4 weeks BFL book lifting, 4 weeks pyramids and 4 weeks S&H.

Hmmm...thanks, not sure if this is for me then. I tend not to stick with a workout program if I don't have a video/dvd to follow. I do like the pyramids and get good results with them so I was hoping I could make do:)

Good to know, thanks,
I'm with you on enjoying videos. I found that I really missed my videos after the first 12 weeks, BUT I got the best results ever. as you can see, I did go back to videos. And I've always used videos for HIIT.

You still 'can' do BFL with videos if that is the way you want to go. I just like to suggest people try the whole program and see how it works before they make changes.

Hi Deanie,

I like what you have layed out to use the Pyramids for BFL. As you said, you can use the time Cathe is doing the 4th set, to insert your 6 rep set, then do the 12 with her, in the BFL format. The only thing you would have to do differently is pause between those sets! I believe BFL says to have some time between, and Cathe sure does not do any "pausing" in this series! LOL;-)

I say try it out with the Pyramids and see how you like it. I did a 12 week challenge the first 3 months of this year using BFL weight workouts from the book and running for cardio. I had pretty good results and enjoyed it alot.

We have a BFL check in here at Cathe's (in the check in section). Feel free to join us. :)

Kathy G

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