Anyone else under-estimate themselves?
I started my 1RM's tonight. I grabbed 15lb dbs for Chest Flys (Flat Bench) and banged out 28 reps..... Something told me to grab the 20's, but I didn't listen. And since the rep max is 20, looks like I'll be doing this one again!!! I actually went over 20 reps on 3 exercises....
I'm beginning to realize why this testing is so important. I can lift so much heavier than I thought I could. Too cool...
I started my 1RM's tonight. I grabbed 15lb dbs for Chest Flys (Flat Bench) and banged out 28 reps..... Something told me to grab the 20's, but I didn't listen. And since the rep max is 20, looks like I'll be doing this one again!!! I actually went over 20 reps on 3 exercises....
I'm beginning to realize why this testing is so important. I can lift so much heavier than I thought I could. Too cool...