Undefined Arms

lori henry

New Member
I have been weight training for a few years. I use the Strength Series: Legs, Shoulders Chest Triceps and Biceps Back. I alternate with Max. Intensity Strength. I'll use the Strength Series one week and Max Int the next. My problem is that my arms look like big bloobs. The only definition I see is when I pick my arms up, when they hang they look awful. I only workout at home using the step & strength videos. It seems the more I lift the bloobier my arms get. Help!!!!
Blooby Arms?

That's a new one! I found that I built some undefined mass when I used the PS series for 8 weeks. Now I'm trying to reveal that muscle mass by adding in some kickboxing videos, using a rowing machine & doing lighter weights w/ more reps. I guess the analogy is "running for arms". Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max fit the bill.
Hi Lori! I don't know how old you are or much about your genetics, but generally after the age of 35, the underside of the tricep area and the areas around the bra strap seem to put up more of a fight when it comes to strength training efforts. But it does not matter if you are over 35 or not. If this is an issue with you, the best thing you can do is include a focused strength training session for your "soft spot" area(s) once or twice a week. So whatever the area is, biceps, triceps, etc. select four to five exercises (per body part)and do 3 sets of 10 or 12 reps per exercise in addition to your regular weight program (but obviously do the focused workout on a separate day).

Also, check to make sure that your diet is clean and that you are cross training with a variety of cardio activities. Also, if you have been doing the PS/MIS rotation for more than a few months, try doing a new rotation to shock your system.

Good Luck!
Do you have the CTX tapes? The weight work on them ore killer and you could probably use the tricep weight section for targeting your soft spots, like Cathe said. Out of the weight videos I have, the tricep and biceps workouts in these tapes are most intense for me. Just my $.02!! Good Luck!!


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