Unclean Eating - Friday, May 13th

I went out to a salad bar last night. I did really well until I ate 8 animal coolies. I normally don't even like them! I think I just wanted something crunchy! Today so far I have been good.

Two (small) pieces of white birthday cake.

Shelley - I think we'll change your nickname to "Cookie"! LOL!:7

NOTHING....YET!!! I had a yogurt smoothie for breakfast, and an organic black bean/tomato/rice burrito (Amys-love them!!) and an apple!! my day is only half over though...and I'm meeting a friend at one of my favorite restaurants:eek: :9 I also resisted the urge to buy myself a latte as a reward for it being Friday...I'm skipping my workout tonight too and it's not a day off! :D I'm still in that funk where I don't want to workout.x(

Ahh..it's Friday night. Weekend for me and here I am again on the Unclean thread! I had a few of my son's cheesesticks (okay more than a few...) and 3 small chocolate covered strawberries! (Gotta have fruit, right!?!) To my credit, I worked out twice today - this morning I did IMAX3 blasts only premix and BodyMax Upper and this afternoon I went to a gym and ran intervals on the treadmill for 45 minutes. Whew! Okay, I'm done bragging....;-)

See y'all on the Unclean May 14... :p
movie popcorn with butter! i went to see monster-in-law and i CAN'T go to the movies without eating popcorn!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I had another great clean eating week. I must admit my computer crashed conveniently over last weekend and so my eating indiscretions had to go unreported. Tonight though I had a scoop of ice cream on my warmed fat-free/sugar-free chocolate pudding.

I didn't w/o yesterday (Friday) to give my knee a rest, but it made me feel very restless. And with the PMS monster staying with me right now, I couldn't help myself but attack the cookie jar. Unfortunately, it didn't fight back :( so I must have eaten like 5 big "egg cookies" plus like 10 or more lady fingers.

oh here's a good one. Tuxedo brownie (w/ hugs choc chips in it) and cookies n' cream ice cream. Oh yeah and a glass of sauvignion blanc. Top that - HA! ;)

two Coronas w/ lime and a donut hole
AKA "Likes2bfit"

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