Ultrasound experience


I am now19 weeks and had my 20 week ultrasound.

Peanut decided to be most uncoperative and stayed curled up in a ball the whole time. Actually the whole appointment was unenjoyable.

The office was running 30 minutes late. Then when I got in with the technician she got up and left several times because her pager kept going off and her kid was locked out of the house after school. Then after she tried for a half hour to get head measurement she went and got another technician to try. Then the new technician was pushing super hard on my abs trying to get the baby to move. Finally we reached almost an hour and she decides at this point she wants to do a cervical ultrasound. At which point I was crabby Mom and called and end to the whole process. The technician wasn't very nice about it telling me they didn't know if I could get back in next week. To which point I told her I didn't care. People have had babies for ages without ultrasounds. I was just so tired of people pushing on my stomach and had to go to bathroom for an hour. I ended up with one picture of the babies head because the printer ran out of ink and then ran out of paper.

So now I'm supposed to go back for a limited ultrasound and to try to take head measurement since the baby was curled up and maybe we can find out the sex.

okay thanks for letting me whine.
Wow! I can certainly hear your frustration! During this past pregnancy I told my ob that I wouldn't have any 'extra' testing done. No ultrasounds, no glucose checks, no triple tests, etcetra. All those testings have gotten me so nervous & uptight in the past. They seriously robbed me of much joy during my pgs. As you said, "People have had babies for ages without ultrasounds"...

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

My first experience sucked too...it was at a hospital with a normal regular tech...not necessarily pregnant related...he spent all day looking at all sorts of stuff...I eventually had to pee...he said my bladder was too full...

then every time after that I was sent to a perinatologist that specializes in this stuff...no full bladder, kind, patient, considerate, and knowledgable staff...

maybe you could ask your ob if a perinatoligist may be a better choice for the next time? (unless this is the type of office you already went to, in which case, I'm sorry!)
I feel your frustration, but also felt that I needed to add that it was through ultrasound that I was able to find out that there was something wrong with my babies. I was carrying twins and one had some abnormalities. Of course the tech couldn't explain any of this to me at the time, but I thank God that we were able to save one baby and it was all discovered at that first horrible LOOONNNGGG ultrasound. (In which I actually had my 2 yr old son on my chest to keep him occupied). Count your blessings that we have the technology to catch things early. I would have lost both my babies had they not caught this.

Oh I am thankful for all the technology that we have. In more ways then one. My father wouldn't be here to enjoy this experience if it weren't for medical advancements.

It is not so much the ultrasound itself that bothered me it was the technicians giving the ultrasound. They were not necessarily patient people. When the first technician left the room 3 times within the first 10 minutes to answer her pager and then a 4th time she yells out the door for someone to call her son and take a message. This does not put one into a mood to be relaxed and understanding. Then as I said the second technician was pushing extremely hard and hit my pelvic bones several times and I would have to tell her you are on my bone. No way did I want to continue on with a cervical scan at this point with this group of techs Add to it they told me we may or may not be able to take measurements even with a cervical scan due to the babies position. My midwife even agreed it was not the best of experiences it it wasthe right thing for me to have called the appointment at that time because you can always return when the baby is being more cooperative. The report showed the measurements they did take were not the best to begin with due to the babies position and Had requested I return for a complete ultrasound again

My next ultrasound is scheduled for a next week. Two weeks later and my midwife feels at 21 weeks they should be able to take better measurements of everything.

Oi, what a long answer, did not mean to go on for so long.

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