Ultimate Cardio Blast from DM

L Sass

You know - the one where you do the cardio drills 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6? Anyone else think it feels super easy when you only do them once - like in cardio fusion? Or even better yet, when you put all those other exercises in between the drills, like in the regular DM workout?


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I haven't attempted the cardio only mix of DM but I do think that the Cardio/Leg Premix is much harder than DM as produced and does this premix almost always, it basically just takes out upper body from each drill so your heart rate doesn't come down as much. The cardio blast, it is each drill in full just repeated two times?
RE: Ultra Cardio Blast from DM

Yes Jen - each blast is simply repeated 2x. And for some reason my arms want to fall off my body after doing that 3rd cardio drill twice. I haven't done the cardio leg premix yet. Perhaps this weekend.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
RE: Ultra Cardio Blast from DM

I haven't done the 2x DM premix, but I really like the Scrambled Cardio Premix, it has you repeat drills 2 and 4 (lateral skates/hops and the forward jumps/bounding), to me, the two hardest drills. And it mixes up the order, which makes things nice and fresh :) Instead of easier drills before harder drills you get some tough drills back to back :) I love DM, but I don't find it THAT awful hard, it's like "tough but fair", lol---just right:)

RE: Ultra Cardio Blast from DM

I did the Scrambled Cario Premix last night and liked the fact that the drills are mixed up. I did the Ultra Cario Premix last week. I liked it but wished the drills were scrambled. It's a great cardio workout. It's hard to find a good pure cardio workout so I love the premixes on DM.

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