Ulcerative Colitis?

So I've just been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and I was wondering if anyone else out there has the same disease? I know that what I'm reading on the internet is probably worst-case scenarios, but the idea of a life of medication, surgeries and a senior citizen's diet has me a little down.
What does the "ulcerative" part mean? My father was diagnosed with colitis years ago ( I was younger at the time and still a little unclear as to all the details) , but now has full blown Crohns. And I'm not going to lie, the medicine cabinet is living up to it's name. His diet is restricted, but that means you can't eat what makes you have an "episode". For him, it's peanuts, dairy, only bottled water and black coffee (no tea, juice, soda), no popcorn, nothing with a skin it (like grapes), etc. He can have chicken, potato chips, pasta, burgers, hot dogs,etc.......And as the years have gone on he's found new foods that don't agree. He was a little down at first, but he now has the outlook that he has to do what he has to do to stay healthy, AND he's found new foods that he CAN have that he enjoys! I think the only advice I can give you is to take it one day at a time.
Hi. My DH was diagnosed with UC in 1999. I was just talking to him about your post and he says it really depends on how much of your colon is involved. For him, only the lower part of his colon is involved and to be honest, I tend to forget he even has it. When he first got diagnosed he had frequent flare ups which were usually induced by stress. He also went through a period of depression due to being diagnosed with a chronic disease and I think he's read every book ever written on the subject. Now that he takes medication daily he RARELY has a flare up-in fact, I don't remember the last time he had one. He said he'd be happy to answer any questions you may have so feel free to PM me.
Diet plays a major role. Check "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" book on Amazon (there are hundreds of reviews). This book in combination with "Eat right for your type" is amazing. Best of luck!
I was diagnosed three years ago with severe Ulcerative Colitis (left-sided, about 16 inches of my colon was affected). Believe me, I have had quite an experience with UC. Doctors will tell you they are not sure what causes it. However, during a flare up, there are certain foods, like popcorn, nuts, tomatoes, grapes (fruits and veggies you would normally eat with the skins on it) that will irritate the colon and keep the flare up from getting under control. During a flare up you will have to eat a "senior citizens diet", but once the flare up is under control you can pretty much eat and live like a normal person (although I'd still avoid the popcorn).

Diet does play a major role during a flare up, but it does not cause a flare up. Stress will also not help during a flare up. You will most likely have to be on medication the rest of your life because it is a chronic disease. I have been through quite a bit with UC, including being hospitalized, depressed, various meds to find out what works. If you are interested in chatting with me about it, give me a PM and I'd be more than happy to chat about it with you. Good luck, and I want you to know you are not alone.

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