What does the "ulcerative" part mean? My father was diagnosed with colitis years ago ( I was younger at the time and still a little unclear as to all the details) , but now has full blown Crohns. And I'm not going to lie, the medicine cabinet is living up to it's name. His diet is restricted, but that means you can't eat what makes you have an "episode". For him, it's peanuts, dairy, only bottled water and black coffee (no tea, juice, soda), no popcorn, nothing with a skin it (like grapes), etc. He can have chicken, potato chips, pasta, burgers, hot dogs,etc.......And as the years have gone on he's found new foods that don't agree. He was a little down at first, but he now has the outlook that he has to do what he has to do to stay healthy, AND he's found new foods that he CAN have that he enjoys! I think the only advice I can give you is to take it one day at a time.